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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. My ex did the same thing with Ryan Klesko, Yes, the Ryan that played for the Atlanta Braves. She swore nothing was going until I caught'em swapping spit. Pack your **** and get. Go see an attorney and don't look back. Even if she isn't havig an affair, her attitude is enough for me to kick her to the curb. IMO, the writing is on the wall. Good luck, bro.
  2. LMAO, guess who's on Leno tonite? Yep, Rambo.
  3. Long Mike nailed this one on the head and that is PLEASE address the situation before you head out. You need a clear head over there. You may not resolve the situation 100% before you leave, but atleast you can deal with it better than having not touched on it. And for what it's worth. I don't want to assume or jump to conlusions, but if it's as bad as I may think, then my experience has been to go with your gut on this one. Only YOU can make the decision, not your friends or family. Do your homework, doublecheck your findings and make an educated decision.
  4. I hope this doesn't involve the wife.
  5. X2^^^^^
  6. Come on, I know you're sitting there counting how many times he flexis his pecs.
  7. NO! Florida sux, STAY OUT! Fishing is horrible and we have Zombies.
  8. My son starts pre-K next week and tonite was the parent/teacher meeting. OMG, I need to have more kids spaced about 1.5 years apart. The teacher is all of 25 and a knockout. And the moms? OH LORD! The moms were a knock out too. Looks like i will be volunteering for as many field trips as possible.
  9. Not all lakefront properties are the same. MANY developments here in florida have lakefront property. The lakes were dug to make the house pads. Anyway, if the lake is surrounded by homes, then the homeowner does not own out to the middle of the lake. In fact, every home on the lake has an easement which allows any person living on the lake to be able to walk the entire shoreline w/out trespassing. This means I can walk out my back door, walk to the edge of the water and walk along the bank behind as many houses as I want and it's not trespassing. Sure, the homeowners can fence their yard, but the fence can't go to the water's edge. Usually it's several feet from the waters edge up towards your house that is "common" property. I'm not saying this is true to every development, but it might be wise to check with your HOA, if there is one.
  10. Just keep using your #10 mono, but splice on a piece of 2-3' #12-15 mono leader.
  11. Absolutely false. Property DOES NOT have to be stolen from your houe/garage in order for homeowners to cover it. As far as the person thinking it was forgotten/abandoned? Quite possible. I puled out of my neighborhood and their was a family taking graduation pics by the lake. I returned an hour later and everyone was gone. The only thing there was a tripod, the same one I saw the dad use to take the pics. I took the tripod and turned in tothe homeowners assoc and it was returned to the owner.
  12. But dont they do VooDoo in La? Fishing can be hard enough at times. I don't need a VooDoo curse ontop of it.
  13. Knowingly receiving stolen property is a crime. Receiving stolen property that you could not have known was stolen is not a crime. Example- Me selling you a new Sol and St.Croix for $20 when the average cost is around $400. The buyer in this example should question the seller as to why it's so enexpensive. The buyer had best walk away without a very good eplanation. The pawn has one of two options. BassClary can pay the pawn shop the amount that they paid for the gear. OR the pawn shop can return the gear to BassClary without charge and then the Pawn shop also becomes a victim. This is why the seller HAS to provide valid identification when selling/pawning something to a pawn shop.
  14. You're pretty much SOL. Finding it on craigslist, ebay or a pawn shop is one thing. Proving it is yours is another, unless you have some sort of identifying markings on it. Your first thing to do is make a police report and make sure you give the officer a full description of the stolen gear. Include any scratches, dings or markings. Anything that will allow you to identify it as yours. Your local pawn shop would be the best place to look in hopes of catching the perp because you have to have identification to sell something there. Your homeowners insurance will more than likely cover the loss but your deductible is too high to even bother. I think you're going to have to chalk this loss up to a hard lesson learned. Never leave your stuff alone.
  15. nice kitty cat, but lose the cowboy boots with shorts .
  16. I ended up getting the Powell 7'11 m/h glass composite. I have my Calcutta 100 DC with #10 mono on it. The rod/reel can cast a country mile and is very comfortable to fish with. It's amazing how much easier it is to fish cranks with a long rod. I actually like it better than my 7'6 Loomis, I don't like where they have the hook keeper. It's located right under the line where it comes of the reel. The treble hook is always getting hooked on the line which could easily cause a nick in the line. My only other complaint is my reel handle is too darn short, haha,. I stil want to try Dobyn's, Lamaglass and perhaps Loomis' new line-up.
  17. ^^^EXACTLY^^^! If the fish are "too" small up north then downsize your tackle. No other state in the country is better than Florida when it comes to saltwater fishing. We don't have walley, pike or freshwater trout, but we havw snook, tarpon, tuna, bonita, cuda, ladyfish, and a thousand other species.
  18. I never noticed. My band is on my key ring.
  19. He's not just fast, he's Lightning Bolt fast. Usain Bolt, rep Jamaica, just made the history book by becoming the first sprinter to win the 100 and 200 meters in consecutive Olympics. Jamaica took gold, silver and bronze in the 200m, incredible. All I can think is that those guys must get chased all the time by the cops to be that fast, hahahaha.
  20. Keep you cards and pass'em down to your kid. It seem that card collecting is a fad that comes and goes. The fad will come around again.
  21. The wave on the horizon looks to be a nice one. That has to be Boynton Inlet and probably sometime between Nov-March. I believe Boynton inlet is considered a non-navigatable inlet, meaning (I think) you're screwed if you sink because insurance won't cover ya (I think).
  22. Exactly. If my wife wants to go to the movies with her friends or out for after work drinks with co-workers then go ahead. She has my blessings. I tell her to have fun and call me if she has more than a couple average drinks because i WILL NOT pick her up at the jail if she gets caught dui. I look at it like this. If I have to worry about her not keeping her knees closed, then I shouldn't be married to her. Life it wat too short to worry about nonsense, I told her this when we were dating, "Do what you want and go where you want. Be respectful and not make me worry about your safety and check in periodically to let me know you're ok. If I ever have to worry or have ideas of you cheating, then you probably screwed up somewhere along the way and left some sort of evidence, to which you will find your sht packed and out the door before you can say sorry."
  23. I thought the title was a spoof off of Broke Back Mountain.
  24. X2. Wife can talk to whomever she wants. I never understood why so many people try and control something they have no control over. If she wants some strange then she gonna get some strange and there isnt a dang thing you can do about it to prevent it.
  25. Why would you want your wife/girlfriend to have access to your FB anyway? I have FB but haven't visited it in months, maybe 3x a year. My wife sent me a friends request. I yelled from the living room into the bedroom where she was at and said "are you efing crazy?" Aint no way in heck she or her family is gong to be friends on my FB. As far as ex's go, they're an ex for a reason, and it usualy isn't good, so why would I want them on there anyway?
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