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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Hurricanes suk, but they sure bring in the fish. No, I'm not wishing for hurricane, just trying to think of something positive.
  2. Little Miss "Baby Bassbeater"
  3. You ain't kidd'n Skippy. Those dang moccasins are mean mothers.
  4. DON'T do anything until after the beginning of the year. The world is supposed to end in December.
  5. I worry more about getting rearended or sideswped while driving to the lake than I do about gators. I guess you get used to'em growing up in Florida and wading the St. Johns. I look out for snakes more than gators.
  6. I fish 365. I personally think the best time of the year to fish in S.Florida is from September to April, my favorite is Nov-March. The mullet beach run is right around the corner and offers the best fishing you can do from shore. The Snook, Jack, Shark, Tarpon, S Mackeral, Blues, and Pompano can easily be caught while walking the beach and it is an absolute blast. Just ask Sirsnook. Bass fishing can be done from sunup to sundown but the heat is a killer in the summer months. Oh how I can't wait for the winter bass tournaments to start.
  7. " the zipper " In a crowded city at a busy bus stop, a beautiful young woman wearing a tight leather skirt was waiting for a bus. As the bus stopped and it was her turn to get on, she became aware that her skirt was too tight to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step of the bus. Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little, thinking that this would give her enough slack to raise her leg. She tried to take the step, only to discover that she couldn't. So, a little more embarrassed, she once again reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little more, and for the second time attempted the step. Once again, much to her chagrin, she could not raise her leg. With a little smile to the driver, she again reached behind to unzip a little more and again was unable to take the step. About this time, a large Texan who was standing behind her picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently on the step of the bus. She went ballistic and turned to the would-be Samaritan and screeched, 'How dare you touch my body! I don't even know you!' The Texan smiled and drawled, 'Well, ma'am, normally I would agree with you, but after you unzipped my fly three times, I kinda figured that we were friends.'
  8. Haha, that was great. Next weeks episode can be on breaking down a Calcutta for cleaning.
  9. We didn't. We're the figment of someone elses imagination.
  10. There's a program you can download that will allow you to read all incoming and outgoing texts from a particular phone. Just be dang sure you're prepared to handle some of the things that you'll be reading.
  11. No one can sell me a story as to they MUST have a cell phone. I didn't have one until 1997 and I was 30 years old.
  12. Metal, plastic, or rubber. Heck, I don't care what it's made of as long as it's durable and performs to my liking. It could be made out of spider web for all i care.
  13. Yea, yea, yea. I made it without any tears. Besides, once I saw his teacher I was all miles, . Lol,the wife and I walked him to his classroom. Before I could even say anything, he gave us a hug and said "I'll see ya later" and ran off to play with the other kids. The little sht never even looked back, lol. Rhino, At heart I always wanted a little girl but I'm glad I don't. Most of my friends have little girls and they (dads) are constantly on the lookout, lol.
  14. I didn't make it peronal, you did by saying "IMHO trolling is for lazy losers that want to have everything easy. It involves very little technique and it gets old really fast. not fun at all." And just like you say you're free to speak your mind. Well, guess what? So am I. The OP asked a question about trolling. He never mentioned the size of the lake. You assumed it was a 200 acre puddle because apparently that's what you're accustomed to fishing. A few members ansewred the question without prejudice, unlike your negativity and insults. I assure you I am far from a lazy fisherman and I sometimes troll. I troll mostly while pre-fishing for tournaments, which I fish several each month. Think about this. How much control do you have over a crankbait when reeling it in by hand? Theoritically, your hands are acting in the same capacity as my motor, except I'm able to keep the bait in the strike zone longer because I don't have to cast. I can also get my bait to dive deeper than hand cranking. I can also get a better feel for the bottom than hand reeling. When trolling, my crankbait is acting as a search bait. Once I get hit, I stop and fish different techniques.
  15. There you go thinking again. The doctor warned you about that.
  16. Really, is that why I have 100,000,000 no-seum bites on me from the other day? hahahaha
  17. IMHO, don't listen to losers who know nothing about trolling and are narrow minded to learning different techniques.
  18. is what I'll be doing when I get up tomorrow morning. The wife and I drop our "little man" off for his first day of pre-K school and I'm not sure how I'm going to do. I can't let the little guy see my eyes fill up and I certainly can't shed a tear infront of the wife. He's only in school for three hours, but it's going to seem like eternity until I pick him up. I can't wait to hear him excitingly describe his first day. I think I'm more nervous about him going to school than he is, lol. Kids grow up way to fast.
  19. Holly heck, where the ______ have you been? Did you get lost delivering packages or what? It's good to see ya, not that we missed you or anything
  20. Absolutely Lew's. I bought a Lews TP as soon as they hit the market and haven't looked back. Shimano discontinued the older Chronarch 50 mg, which is what started me looking at other reels. Shimano makes an excellent product, but competition has caught up. Shimano ran the market in primo low profile reels, but with todays technology, they're having a hard time staying on top. I still buy Shimano for my inshore saltwater gear, such as the Calcutta, which I seriously doubt will have any competition for a LONNNNG time. My next shimano purchase will be a Stradic to replace my old Stradic, but I don't foresee myself bying anymore low-pros from Shimano unless they make some dramatic changes. I strongly believe in Shimano's products, having used them for decades. I just don't like anything they offer in low-pro anymore.
  21. Geeez, Dude. You ruined a perfect opporatunity to stop and stare.
  22. Exactly! I have to find a way to keep my edge. I married a Spanish broad 10 years my younger. She's the sweetest girl but has a jealousy(sp) streak a mile long. LOL, here's how bad my luck is. The wife and I get into the classroom and it's packed with parents (suprisingly, a majority of both parents were in attendance). I see this mom from across the room wearing a skin tight, above the knee dress and blessed rather nicely, haha. My mind starts to daydream, but I would never seek to fulfill any of my perverted thoughts. A couple moments elapse and I put my "fantasy" on hold while I introduce myself to the teacher. Afterwards, I turn to look for my wife (because Im starting to feel guilty for daydreaming, haha) and I find her talking to the lady in the skin tight dress. For a quick second I was like "oh crud, my wife caught me looking and is now dishing out her Spanish temper on this this poor girl." Turns out that the girl is the sister of one of my wifes co-workers. I'm like, REALLY! Out of hundreds and hundreds of classrooms in our county, my wife has to be associated with this chick. Good grief, what are the odds?
  23. Ok, one more thing and then I'm done. You yourself said that her parents have told her that they would disown her if she ever screwed up yalls marriage by having an affair. You said her parents would rather have you as a son instead of her as a daughter if she cheated. Heck bro, don't you think that is a good enough reason for her to lie about what's going on? Let me tell ya something, I lie to people every single day in my job. I have become very good at it and it's not something I'm proud of. I have to or it could be my life. The more a person has to lose, the better they will lie/deceive. Some people just can't put their lust aside, regardless of the consequences. Therefore, they will go out of their way to make sure everything is on the up and up with their spouse and flat out lie. Once again, I'm not accusing your wife of doing this, but your version of what's taking place sure makes her look guilty. Someone mentioned about going to get advice/counseling in person and not from cyberspace. I think that's good advice. Go see a neutral person, not someone who will take sides or tell you what you "want" to hear. Im not military, but don't they have guidance counselors or something of that nature?
  24. Clayton, I don't intend this to be disrespectful towards you, but man up bro. You have some serious issues with your marriage that needs immediate attention or perhaps counseling, which I don't really believe in. It is very easy (and normal) for you to be blind as to what is taking place. The main reason is because you obviously have a deep love for your wife. It sounds like she has found a way to manipulate you into believing in her while at the same time she's taking full advantage of your love and good heart. I'm praying that I and EVERYONE else who's responded to your post is wrong. Bro, not one reply from anyone has been in her favor. That should tell you something. Look, you're going to do what you want to do and there isn't enough advice in the world to get you to see this situation any different than the way you see it. No one wants to be taken advantage of, but sometimes we can be blind to what's going on around us because we can't phathom that our loved one could betray our wedding vows/love. IT HAPPENS. Unless this guy is a full blown homosexual then he has no business what so ever hanging out with YOUR wife. Trust me/us, he (or she) has ulterior motives and they arent going to be pleasant. Think about it, this "relationship" could turn exremely ugly to the point that it gets physical and someone gets seriously hurt. I hope we're wrong for your sake, but unless there is ALOT more to this story then I doubt it. How would your wife feel if she came home and found you and a strange girl sitting on your couch drinking and having a fun ol' time? Would she think yall are just "innocent" friends? How would she respond if the roles were reversed and it was you doing the same exact thing she's doing? I'm sorry if my candidness offended you, it's not my intention. I just want to make sure that I/we have done/said everything possible to help you out. If you really, really have to have hard evidence, then instal hidden cameras. I would never consider doing this for myself, but some people just "have to know." My good friend's brother installed cameras and hidden recorders because he suspected his wife was cheating, even after she swore she wasn't and still showed him affection. His findings proved she was having an affair and he had one heck of a time getting what he heard on the recordings out of his mind. They gave him nightmares. On a lighter note, this sounds like a typical Jerry Springer show, lol. Good luck and I wish the best for you and your family.
  25. Bro, I'm not familiar with your living arrangements but did she tell you he was coming over? If she didn't, then I'm telling him to get out and I don't care if she gets embarrassed or mad. That is pure disrespect. Do you really want this guy coming over when you're not home and your kids thinking it's ok. Geez, I wouldn't even go to my best friends house to hang out with his wife if he wasn't home. Guys just don't do that to eachother. And why is your sister allowing her to hang with this guy? It's sooo easy for us to sit here and pass judgement without knowing all the details, but we can't help it. Let me tell you this in "cop" talk. Probable cause is a set of circumstances or events that would lead a REASONABLE person to believe a crime is being, has been or is about to be committed. Probable cause is all that's needed to make an arrest. In the court room, the State has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime was committed. Now, why am I telling you this? Because based on what you've told us so far, I would say you have probable cause (or dang close to it) to believe something is going on and it aint bible study. When I was in your shoes, all I needed was probable cause (not proof) to leave.
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