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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Huh? The teacher spelled it correctly, but she used the wrong word. It's "great job," not "grate job."
  2. What he said^^^^
  3. Apparently, my son's pre-k teacher doesn't know the difference. She graded his homework and noted "Grate Job" on the front page. C'mon, really! I can only imagine what Long Mike would do. all the way to the school.
  4. Not a chance.
  5. But does it have meaning?
  6. ^agree^. Kick the GF to the curb if need be. there's a 99.99 chance that you're going to have MANY more GF's in the the future so no need to waste time on just one when you can be fishing.
  7. Are you saying tomorrow morning (Monday) probably isn't worth a trip to the jette? I was thinking about going.
  8. My goodness that kitty cat is huge. It looks like it doesn't even belong in the body of water where you caught it, haha. You must have chit a brick when he started tugging.
  9. Awesome catch. The only thing that sux is the million dollar payout. Its paid out over a 50 year period, BS!
  10. Yea, I got caught in the downpour at the ballpark. My son had his 1st t-ball game, which got rained out. . I too had some of my best days fshing in the istorm. Nothing wrong with fishing in the rain as long as you're catching fisf, and it appears you did very well.t
  11. Don't laugh but try soaking your soft plastics in Italian salad dressing, not the creamy one. Also coffee.
  12. Dude, don't shake your worm in the tub.
  13. Never been in a situation to HAVE to pick between owning one or the other. Silly questions but I'll play along. It depends on what type of lake and season. With minimal grass and year round use I'd take the rattle trap. If lake is flooded with grass then spinnerbait.
  14. 1. Nail plywood over window 2. Caulk around edges 3. Leave, go fishing 4. Return after winter and replace windows.
  15. Bassn Blvd

    Stun Gun

    The taser is only good while the probes are stuck to the person and the trigger is pulled. Once the 5 seconds is over, the pain is gone and the assailant is active again. She would have to pull the trigger again to activate the pain. I doubt she is going to stand there and keep reapplying the trigger. And I too have ridden the bolt.
  16. Nothing is quite as fun as catching beaver on your crank.
  17. Nice fish, you whacked'em good. How did you get the world to stand sideways for the pic?
  18. Excellent, thanks. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why my steaks never came out with that chargrill color and flavor. I cook them to the perfect temp, but they just don't taste like they should. Haha, I'd remove them from the package and they would be bright red and have beautiful marbeling. I'd rinse them off and wondered why they look dull red and lifeless. No more rinsing of the meat. I am now an ANTI-WASHER of MEAT.
  19. Listen, READ THE O/P PEOPLE! I NEVER said wash it because it's BAD. I simply asked do you rinse it to get rid of the BONE SHAVINGS from cuts of meat such as ribs, pork chops, etc. I added steak in the mix because I'm so used to rinsing the BONE SHAVINGS that rinsing the steak is a force of habit. Thank you ^. So rinsing steak, etc, "just because" will actually take away from the flavor and dry it out as it cooks?
  20. Very nice Snook. Argentina to dove hunt. That's a long way for a bird, hahaha.
  21. I wear non SPF clothing and am white as a ghost.
  22. Oh, I assure you I'm southerner. My mistake was buying BBQ from a yankee transplant.
  23. Isn't that the truth. I've lived in Florida for 45 years and remember when sweet tea was customary in most restaurant. Now they hand you sugar packets. But they have raspberry tea, yuck. Haha, I ordered some BBQ the other day at a "BBQ" restaurant and asked for sweet tea. The lady said "We have unsweetened and raspberry, but not sweet." I asked her how can they sell "BBQ" and not have sweet tea. She said "Sorry," and I said "Me too, cancle my order" and walked out.
  24. Why work when we can get food stamps?
  25. Very well could be the too much freshwater. I will probably be down at the BB inlet in the morning pre sunup.
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