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BC VC basser

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Everything posted by BC VC basser

  1. I’ll buy used on occasion. My best score was a Shimano Curado B at a thrift shop for $10….Been a great reel! In total of the 20+ setups I’ve got 3 used reels and 1 rod
  2. Try kohlrabi peel it, then cut it into 1/4" slices, steam it until it’s fork tender (15-20 min) After it’s steamed top it with some butter and a little salt and pepper! 😋
  3. I only have the one Hope they produce for you! Let me know if you have any luck and what colors worked out for you
  4. I’ve had good luck with this one Duckett Bait Sneaky Frog EVO Topwater Frog 3.5" 7/8 oz
  5. Been down the SSDI road… Unfortunately a lawyer is the necessary evil in this matter!
  6. Thanks!
  7. I’ve throwing the 1/10 zman Ned’s and some 1/8 oz swimbaits on my bfs. Going to try some micro cranks and Skirted Ned’s (jig style) when the fish start moving towards the shallower water. Spooled it with 7lb sniper fluorocarbon Its my entry level bfs setup to see how it goes. Been happy with it for the most part. Unfortunately the rod is over your price range but gives you some ideas on bait choices…
  8. @BC VC basser your sons work looks great!!! Thanks Gentleman! He has been very dedicated to the craft over the last 15+ years. He built his first acoustic in high school woodshop. The Uke and D style acoustic he built at 23-24 years old. He’s now 34 The arch top was earlier this year… Just finally starting to give it a shot as a career Woody B your lutherie work looks excellent also!
  9. Here’s a few of my sons builds he gave me. Here an arch top he did for one of his clients
  10. 😁That has been stuck in my head the last few week cause I just saw Geddy Lee in Los Angeles. He’s out doing a small theater tour pushing his new book “My Effin Life" When his appearance in Philly a few weeks prior to L.A., Paul Rudd interviewed him. In L.A. we got Jack Black, great chemistry between him and Geddy! 🤣
  11. Spot on My son always talks about how a newer acoustic guitar needs to be played over to come into its full potential … He had to do a little tweaking on the tele bass It was shipped from back East
  12. Cool tune! Kinda Beatlesque 60’s vibe! As you see my tele bass is a bit road worn i picked it up about 5 years back from a business acquaintance. Her brother passed away and she handled clearing out his things…. Got it for a great price so it’s condition didn’t bother me Most importantly it plays and sounds great
  13. I be slapping the bass too man! Nice Axes…. Here’s my favorite 79 P bass swamp ash body with a jazz neck on it, modified to a PJ set up (pickups Duncan Actives), bada** bridge Got a few others in the spare room closet 72 tele bass, home made fretless and an ash body 32’"scale ( both made by my son….he’s an awesome acoustic and classical builder….) Some cool acoustic guitars and an uke built by my son in the spare room closet too Put most my attention over my 40+ years involved in music playing bass so not much of a guitar player, but I’ll pick one up here and there….
  14. I have a Phenix feather 6’ 10" M/H. I use it for a jerkbait and topwater set up. It fishes more like a Medium rated rod I also have a feather 7’1 light for a bfs rod 7’3" Maxim H xf for frogs and jigs Really like all three of the rods
  15. Let me know your experience with the reel…
  16. I went the zephyr route for my bfs introduction reel. Spooled it with 7lb sniper fluorocarbon. It has performed great. Still my only bfs reel at this point.
  17. I recently bought some DriveWear photochromic lenses. I purchased them at a local Walmart vision center. Have no complaints about the polarization on them and photochromic option
  18. I have had good luck using it on a drop shot for sight fishing bed fish Had the hook 6" to 8" above the weight and t-rig style hook so it was weedless
  19. I had an RV cleaned out while parked at a storage facility. After that I removed the (new) valuable stuff and put one of those Cheep alarms on the door Can only hope Karma comes along because law enforcement usually gets nowhere on this kind of stuff
  20. I do. I use it for to my topwater/jerkbait Mostly throw 1/2 -3/4 oz lures Been very happy with it. Has a nice light feel and balance. Leans more to a medium power than m/h My opinion: 6’9"m/h wouldn’t give enough for anything 1/4oz and below, although I haven’t thrown that light of stuff on it Just starting to research light tackle bait cast ( bfs gear ) myself Wanting to move my finesse presentations away from spinning rod to a bait caster
  21. I carry 3-4 spools for my various leaders
  22. San Diego Jam Palomar FG on leader connections
  23. Have a 7.0’ mh casting techna av too Also a great rod!
  24. Yes Eric is a stand up guy!Owns the local tackle shop here in town…. My deepest sympathies to Aaron’s family and friends He was a true gentleman and a scholar. And one hell of a bass fisherman! Glenn keep the content/articles you have in your archives related to him coming in tribute to him….
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