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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. Nice set-up. Do you have anymore pictures what your trying to do with the ladder? How do you like the bimini? I've been kicking around the idea of getting one. How usable is your rear deck with it up? Thanks.
  2. Air bubble maybe? Have you tried to run it with muffs, then check it?
  3. Things have been a little slow around here lately. My wife just had surgery, so no fishing for me for a few weeks. All I can do is read about it for now . Since I have some time to think up stuff, I noticed I have a lot of ratcheting straps and wanted to use some for a replacement of the transom hold down. The only problem is they have no backing on the ratchet to prevent scratching the boat. The original straps are OK, but you have to finesse them a little to the right distance and find the right rib on the strap to tighten down properly. Last time I was in BPS looking at their transom straps I noticed some of their less expensive straps had a rubber pad behind the buckle. Of course they don't just sell the pads so I checked online, and could find nothing. I guess I wasn't entering the right words . A few days later my Amazon account showed the very pads I was looking for as an advertisement. Funny how they figured out what I was looking for . Anyhow I got a set and they work perfect behind the ratchet protecting the transom surface. I also got a boat hook. I've only used it a couple of times but highly recommend it. This one is a little big, I wish I had a better place to stow it. It floats, which I thought would be a plus .
  4. That's nice ! Have you considered another color for your courtesy light to help preserve your night vision? Darkness makes me sleepy, so I don't fish at night .
  5. They are not going to see my boat until fall, unless the hull starts peeling like a banana or the engine blows up. Last time I was in there they had a wait time of 3-4 weeks ?.
  6. Anyone add new cleats mid-point on the boat? I want to add one starboard side by the console, but I'm not sure where to port. With out going through the hull, the only good place would be on the edge of the forward deck . It seems more often than not, I tie up on the port side. I've been looking at these cleats
  7. I put a paper towel on the edge of a pry bar, so I don't scratch everything up.
  8. BTW I had the hub caps off while I checked the lugs and gave the bearings a couple shots of grease. The inside of the caps look no different now than when I brought it home .
  9. My front storage I keep my tackle. My port seat I keep the seat posts, and a small tool box. The starboard seat with the fire extinguisher, I have a first aid kit, my flare gun, and a Plaino box with my paperwork in it. The rear storage I keep my PFD's, anchor, and extra line(kind of a catch all space). The rear of the boat the only thing I have added is a pair of Taylor fenders. I still have to give them a try. The Bass Pro anchor bag is a cheap and nice way to store the anchor and line. I will usually leave it out at the end of the day, and stow it a day or two later after it's dried nice. So far so good on my carpet. It does get hot barefoot !
  10. Last week I was fishing in the rain. When I came home I noticed the rear storage compartment was a little wet in side so I took my PFD's and other gear out and left the lid open to dry. Yesterday when I was out I opened my seat storage and noticed it was wet in there. I kind of figured with the channel that runs on the top and it all being plastic, it would keep dry in the rain. Nope. It was sunny and warm so I opened all my compartment lids and laid out all my gear to properly air dry. It was only me so it was no big deal. So I made another rookie mistake, if your caught in some rain open all your compartment lids and dry everything out when you get home. Interestingly my forward storage was the only space to remain dry, but I had it open anyway. I was lucky nothing mildewed . So yeah, just throwing that out there. YMMV.
  11. Hmm, you would think it wouldn't make that much of a difference. Did you try unscrewing the aerator a little to unrestrict the flow a little more? I haven't used mine much. I've been using it as a cooler, which uninsulated, it makes a terrible cooler .
  12. I never got the gift card. I flash the email I got about the rebate and they scan that. The rewards card took a few weeks.
  13. So last week when I was washing my boat out I noticed my bilge pump flopping around in the back. It had broken off at the base where the red part meets the black. I called about it and since they have a 4-6 wait on boat repairs right now, I was able to bring in the aluminum base that it attaches to, the pump and the rest of the broken pieces for a replacement without bringing in the whole boat . I don't want to say they were suspicious, but they seemed suspicious of the broken pump. There is nothing around the pump that even touches it, I had not even used it at this point. Anyhow, they didn't have one in stock, but pulled one off the floor. They drilled out the base so they could submit all the parts for a claim. I took everything home and installed it almost with out a hitch . I get everything back together and I could not get the aluminum base back into position. The hose is short. What I think the issue was with the short hose pulling on the pump, after a time it just cracked at the base until it pulled free. I pulled the barbed hose connection out of the hose about halfway and hose clamped it down. It reaches, but there still is a bit of a strain on the pump . If it breaks again I'll get something else, something with a little more GPH. I was out yesterday and it rained. Yes you do need a bilge pump for these boats! With some rain and a little time, the boat will fill up with a lot of water . Just a little SNAFU I ran into.
  14. That got me my first outing. It seems like there is no power until 2/3rds throttle. I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't go.
  15. The tabs or posts are what will likely break. Pull it off and check it out, it's pretty easy to separate. Time will tell. I probably will do something like that.
  16. So I was coming home last Monday and I had to take an unusual detour because a telephone pole fell across the road . My detour was down a gravel road for about 5 miles. I don't normally travel with the cover on, I mostly go to places that are close by with roads that are paved. I was going pretty slow, but the boat still got dusted pretty good. So today I vacuumed up cottonwood fuzz from last week and the small bits of gravel that made its way into the boat. I wasn't really sure how to get rid of all the dust so I just hosed down the carpet. I parked on a hill to get a good drain, and sprayed it out. Boy that carpet holds a lot of water! I used a squeegee to pull the water down to the drain. I took the windshield off and cleaned that with glass cleaner and conditioned all of the black plastic. Now I'll let it dry in the sun and see what peels up . BTW I noticed the steering wheel cap was a little lose. I pulled it off and noticed that it is held in with just two plastic posts coming out from the center of the wheel. Very cheap design. I'm not sure how I'm going to secure it better.
  17. You could have taken it back and they would fix all of that. Of course, you will have more fun with the new horn. I replaced my battery straps also, I couldn't get them tight. One small problem I have is the front seat base clicks loudly when I lean back in it. I mentioned this when I took it in for the fuel pump inspection. They said I could wait until fall to take it in, so they don't have the boat tied up for 2-3 weeks now, and miss any time on the water. My only other problem is I'm not in the boat enough .
  18. I got the exact same one before I took delivery. I used it before I installed a meter on the dash.
  19. Do you still have the cap or is it gone?
  20. I was just looking at this the other night at BPS. Which spike did you get? I've been using an anchor and most of my depths so far have probably been over 8ft., so I'm not sure if a Power Pole would be worth it for me. Report back when you have a chance to try it. I am interested in how it goes anchoring with the stern into the wind and/or current .
  21. You should give your dealer a call. They might have to check you off for warranty purposes. Maybe they will accept a photo?
  22. Wow, do you know how long your going to be down?
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