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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. Lake George, at Fred Rose Park there is a spot by the parking area a small trail at the west most point of the property. It's kind of steep there but there is a tree under the water straight out there. I have done pretty well at that spot. To the very left (west), there are some maple trees overhanging the water which the bluegill like, and some bass. Once you have finished that area take a walk all the way east and go down by the water, you should be looking at the back of the middle school. That area has a lot of lilly pads. Work that area. Across the lake at Jerry Pavese Park is hit a miss. Try the very east of the water then make your way down to the west side of the boat launch, there are a lot of lilly pads there. Then try down by the scout cabin. Festival Park, downtown try the rocky area leading up to the dam. There is also the docks by the community center which get you out in the water a bit and by some lilly pads. Under the pavilion that sticks out in the water can produce. Don't spend a whole lot of time in one spot. If it's not working, it's not working and move on. Lake George has been a little inconsistent this year. Bass have been hit and miss, the biggest I caught this year has been 18". I have caught bigger bass this year, but fewer in numbers. For me the bluegill and crappie are way off, and I've not caught anything of size this season.
  2. 12 lb river anchor probably every time I've been out. The wind is always trying to push me into something I don't want to get into.
  3. Wow, it's been quite here. I hope everyone has been busy fishing. My work schedule was messed up for the summer because of the COVID thing, but I'm back to normal now, and get to fish more often. Anyhow my latest problem, my charger went dead. I was walking by the boat and I always give the back-end a look and noticed no lights. Unplugged and plugged back in, still nothing. I unhooked all of the wires tried it again. All it would do is the red light would faintly come on then fade to nothing, and the whole unit (Minnkota 210D) would buzz. Called Minnkota and they had me e-mail them a copy of my receipt and they then e-mailed me a UPS label to have the whole thing sent back to them. I started the process on a Tuesday and had a new unit Friday. Two thumbs-up to Minnkota for such a hassle free warranty experience. It's one of those things that when over you stand back and think, "wow that was too easy". I did replace the trolling motor battery this spring. Was the old battery going bad anyway or did the old charger contribute to it's demise? The charger was charging, and charged the new battery when I put that in. Also, I've never had a problem with the motor battery. So all is back to normal...for now.
  4. It looks like that is just two pin. Check in there and see if you have metal contacts for 2 or 3 pins. That light should be just a two wire, positive and negative to the bulb. My stern light only has two metal pins in there, the third hole has no contact.
  5. So anyone fish at night? I went out super early the other day, to try and beat the heat . Anyhow, it was dark when I started, plugged in all the lights no problems there. After I got to my first spot, WOW the stern light sure is bright when I'm standing on the front deck . It's right there, eye level with me. I'm considering a way to try and lengthen the 3/4" pole for the light .
  6. What kind of boat is it? You said the live well was recently repaired. Get a garden hose and fill the live well to make sure no leaks. If that's OK, take your jack and raise the front of the boat to it's max. Get a garden hose and put some water in the back of the boat. Look for where the water comes out.
  7. Have you checked out that tire yet? Wondering the reason for the lower tire pressure.
  8. Did you drop it in dirt? You might want to flush the hitch with some water, then liberally spray with some WD-40 to get the water out.
  9. Until you meet the mosquitoes. They hunt the hunter. Last summer the wife and myself went out around 8pm and were having a nice time. That is until sunset. The mosquitoes were insane. Of course I forgot the bug spray . Actually I didn't even consider bringing any, mosquitoes have been zero issue during the day. We put on our rain gear to shield ourselves. It wasn't too hot, and worked out pretty well since I don't think just spray would have kept them away. After awhile they lightened up some after the initial swarm. We had a good time, it's so much more quite at night .
  10. Wow, thanks for the pics on that. I didn't quite understand the explanation until I really looked at the pictures. I put a small 2X4 on the bottom of my tank to try to level it out on the water. Of course that is useless for your problem. Have you looked for a new cap? Somewhere I've seen replacement caps that vent properly.
  11. For fishing those boats would be fine, but anything social your way too small. I would suggest a small pontoon.
  12. That is nice . It looks like your going to get another 20 out of that rig.
  13. Charger is good. One more year left on that warranty .
  14. It seems like the trolling motor battery longevity is all over the place. Mine started to act up last fall, and I was thinking it was the trolling motor. It won't hold a charge and is out of warranty. I got Duracell from Sam's, we will see how long this will last.
  15. I got my tray installed and tried it out today. It sets the foot peddle back more than I anticipated. It's definitely an improvement while standing. I'm going to have to secure it to the bottom of the tray. I got the Cool Foot pad stuck on the peddle also. The black peddle does get hot in the sun, I thought this might help. Now with the peddle back farther, I'm going to have to look for a butt seat and post .
  16. No fuse box. There is a rats nest of wires in the console.
  17. What made you decide on the Lowrance?
  18. The driver gets out of the truck yells " I'm in park. I've been in park the whole time!". So yeah, that sucks for them. I wonder if he ever tried the brakes? I ran into a similar situation a number of years ago with a Colorado I had. I was on a hill that was ice covered and with it in park or just using the parking brake it would start to slide, but pushing the brake peddle I was OK. The parking brake only locks the rear, not the front tires, so you lose a lot of grip just in park. I had to use an ice scraper that I wedged on the brake peddle to the seat to lock all four wheels before I got out of the truck. Fun times .
  19. Nice. I have been considering something similar. I was looking at one of these consoles, but jeez the price! Also, I think it would be about an inch short for a comfortable step.
  20. USAF 4 years ANG 8 years ARNG 8 years
  21. Have you considered taking out the whole live-well console and rebuilding it with a bigger live-well? I've seen a few people adding deck extensions but they come straight out and do nothing with the small live-well.
  22. You should have lead with snack store.
  23. I don't think your going to be able to do much more than what you have. Your fighting mother nature and you'll never win that battle, until you get a garage to put it in, even then... Something you might try is putting a fan under the cover to circulate the air.
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