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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. I just got a wrist strap for this season. I've been out twice this year and used the strap without forgetting to take it off and and getting snapped by the kill cord.
  2. https://www.etrailer.com/faq-how-to-determine-trailer-tongue-weight.aspx
  3. What need to do is go out and get stuck. You need to figure out how to get out and get on with fishing. Why are you getting stuck? You have two things hanging off the boat reaching down to stop you. Go out and get stuck. Once your sure your not moving anymore trim up your big motor. Next spin your trolling motor to speed 5. Make your way out. If you dial anything slower your run the risk of tangling with weeds. If that doesn't work, unplug the trolling motor and pull it up. De-weed your trolling motor, lower it back down and plug back in. Next pull the trolling motor up again with the cord, to where the blades are just below the surface of the water. At speed 5 holding the motor below the surface of the water, steer your way out. This also works when you get too shallow, like when you get hung up on a rock at the waters edge.
  4. Wax it. Wax it now, then wax it again.
  5. I got this Roll-on-Jack a little after I got the boat. I haven't had to use it yet. I tossed it in the back of my truck just in case. I just looked at it again and I will say wow, I didn't pay that much for it!
  6. Not sure. I got mine fresh off the truck. What is it your trying to see/not see?
  7. Are you talking about getting a floor model? If your going to wait months, you might as well get one fresh off the truck.
  8. The place my wife works at recently had a roof collapse. That has kind of squashed any ideas of me going. If you do go, do a short write-up of the event. I would be interested on how it goes.
  9. Which Tracker are you looking at? I have a Tracker Heritage (now called the Classic) and love it. Its the bottom of the line bass boat Tracker made, but that's fine with me. I looked the boat over thoroughly before I bought it, and knew what I was getting. Its not as refined as a lot of boats out there, but it doesn't leak and gets the job done for me. Look for some videos of the Tracker plant. You can get an idea of how they are put together. Let us know what you decide, Tracker or Lowe.
  10. Since you have a lot of weeds on your primary pond, no matter what anchor you use, can with cement in it or mushroom anchor, your going to be pulling up a lot of weeds. Your best bet would be a shallow water anchor, or stick. Stab the bottom, pull up with no weeds and move on. Mini Power Pole would work also, if it's something you want to invest in.
  11. So Bass Pro is having the US Open Amateur Team Championship this summer. A million bucks to the winner! I’ve been day dreaming a little about this. If I fished it, I think I would have to win just to cover my expenses. Anyhow, if I were to participate it would be at Lake St. Clair, the closest qualifier to me. I’ve noticed they expect 250 team entries, the launch they are starting from only has 160 parking spaces. Where are the rest going to park? Grassy areas seem like a no-no for such an event. With 250 boats/500 people registering and inspections it looks like it’s going be take a long time to get the whole thing going. From what I can tell there might be 8 slots to launch from. This is amateur fishing, so I’m sure there will be some performance anxiety backing trailers in, for both launch and recover. I’ve never fished a tournament, so my first thought about the whole thing is chaos . They have targeted amateur fisherpeople and not provided any information on how they are going to run the show. Anyone fish a large tournament? Is it as crazy as it sounds?
  12. I took a course while I waited for my boat to be built. There is a lot of good to know information there. I felt it was especially heavy on PWC . My insurance offers a discount. Although not too expensive, I'll take what I can get. Interestingly my state doesn't require insurance. If you do have to get it, it's probably because the bank requires it.
  13. I used stainless bolts to hold it down. Pics are a few pages back.
  14. https://amazon.com/gp/product/B000E8BJGW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This is what I got, Weedless Wedge.
  15. While you wait for your boat, take a boating course. https://www.boatus.org/free/ When you finish you'll be a better captain, and know what's required to have in your boat.
  16. Annual engine oil and gear oil, filters, grease for the trailer bearings. Occasional plugs, impeller for the water pump...according to your owners manual. If you do it yourself maintenance shouldn't be that expensive. If you take it somewhere, your paying for those items and their time. $300-400 seems like a lot to me, but I do my own oil. Also, your engine size is going to make a difference in what you pay. If you have a place in mind for service, check their fees.
  17. Something like a 5 gallon paint mixer?
  18. Nice work. Now I have to go out and check mine again. When the time comes I have been considering the Ultimate Bunk Bards or maybe Gatorbaks.
  19. The lights, towards the rear of the boat work fine. Upfront, they came unstuck and are not working. These light strips are kind of delicate, and don't like to be man-handled once stuck. On the front deck there is no room to try and get them on the underside of the gunnel, so they get bumped and walked on. I was kind of doubtful how they would work when I stuck them on. They have no real protection. I actually like these lights. They are small, they aren't too bright, and they light up the whole boat nicely. Right now, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about them .
  20. This is what I'm figuring on. I was surprised some of the gauze and bandages wrapped in their original plastic packaging still got wet. I'm going with a hard case for everything, no bags.
  21. So at the end of the season I empty everything in the boat. Clean and inspect through the winter so I'm ready to go in the spring. I just opened my first aid kit and at some point this summer it got wet. Some of the gauze was still damp. Anyhow, everything was kind of gross, and I tossed the whole thing in the garbage. The old kit was in a zippered pouch. I'm looking for a new water tight kit, that has band-aids that actually stick. Amazon has a ton of kits with reviews all over the map. Anyone have a nice water tight first aid kit? ?
  22. Bolar


  23. Is that view from the outside? It's hard to see the seam. Regardless, that doesn't look like a good weld. I hope it goes well for you.
  24. Sorry to hear about that. What has BPS tried to do? What do they have to remove?
  25. I got to go out yesterday, beautiful weather. You can most definitely tell it's fall. This is what the ramp looked like when I got there.
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