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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. Changed the impeller yesterday. The hardest part is getting the lower unit back on. It takes some finagling to get it back on properly. The impeller looked good, it probably didn't need changing, but it's 4 years old and I wanted to make sure it was OK. After awhile, as you can see in the picture, the fins started to straighten out. If anyone does change their own impeller, I would change the impeller and faceplate gasket. My gasket tore when I lifted the housing up.
  2. The impeller is part #47-19453T. I got the water pump kit here. What I don't use, like the housing, I'll have on hand. I still have to change it .
  3. Risk voiding my Tracker warranty? No way
  4. So if I understand right, you have the boat/trailer in water, 15ft. of space/sand, then your SUV? You could get a tow strap an pull the trailer up 15ft., chock the trailer wheels, hook up and go. The only problem is the jack being pulled through the sand. I would suggest a ski of some sort that would be wide enough to slide over the sand instead of through it. Maybe an old sled. If this works then try a winch.
  5. Nice, must be a test run. I didn't see any screens mounted yet.
  6. I thought Sea Tow and USABoat did their thing only on big water. Anyhow, if your really worried about getting a tow, do your search now. Call to the different marinas in the area and ask if they tow. Phone reception...that's a different issue.
  7. What is the manufacture of your trailer, Trailstar? Other than the wheels, that trailer looks exactly like what I have under my Tracker. Plastic fenders with a step I can't use. I'm not a big guy, but every time I've put any weight on the step I get a crack or pop. I don't trust them not to break off. BTW nice boat.
  8. I just got a kit to change it out, once it warms up a little. I can't believe I've had this boat going on 4 years now .
  9. Under power I've had no problems. I've never checked to see how much it slows me down though. Once your off power and on your trolling motor, wind will be your enemy. It's like having a sail and you can get knocked around pretty good.
  10. Anyone change the water pump impeller yet? That will be on my "to do list" once it gets warmer. I'm curious on how well it has held up.
  11. Just local, 3-5 miles, but yeah, they were good tires.
  12. Tires, I just spent a ton of money on trailer tires this summer. Horse trailer had the tread peal off just sitting. These tires were around 15 years old. This trailer gets pulled out at least 3-4 times a year. I was looking to replace them, but was motivated to get it done now. This trailer came with car/truck tires from the manufacture. Most dedicated tire stores won't sell car/truck tires for a trailer. You'll have to go to a independent shop for that. I have a cargo trailer with Goodyear tires that were 24 years old. That trailer gets pulled out on weekends and only local. I took it down state this summer and didn't trust the old tires on the highway so...new tires. There is a lot of mojo out there about tires. Check some RV/camping sites. They are flooded with tire stories.
  13. My experience deterrents don't deter, in my barn and house. Traps are the only way I've found to eliminate mice. Spring and glue traps. I start out with peanut butter, but after a few mice, I change it up to something different. Once they have seen what happened to Mickey over there, they will start to avoid peanut butter. YMMV
  14. The strip lights I had unfortunately didn't work out. At the front part of the boat, they were getting abused and stopped working. The back half they still work, but I don't fish much back there. I also had them buckle in places after I applied them. I guess the strip expands more than the boat? For round two I am experimenting with these: https://amazon.com/dp/B08F7G8B9B?ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details&th=1 These are cheap lights and of course are not what they advertise. For starters they are not waterproof. The wires come straight out the center of the back, and the holes are not sealed properly. They use something like a hot glue to hold the circuit board down, and use that as a seal for the wires. It's a nice theory, but doesn't hold up. Also, they are not very bright. As deck lights this might be perfect, I don't have to buy a dimmer switch or put a resistor in-line with the lights. Since the interior of the boat is carpet, I'm planning on using heavy duty Velcro to hold the lights in place. When I get around to installing them, I'll post some pictures.
  15. Sound like you have all the mods. See what you can do about posting those pictures. It has been quite around here lately. I'm working on version 2 of my deck lighting. I need some time to get it put it in.
  16. 1. For as much foam as you may get out of those holes, I wouldn't worry too much about replacing it. I would seal the holes. As for the rest, if you put it back the way it was you still will run into the same problem of rot as you have now. Can you raise the tank 1/2-1"? That may help with some air flow under the tank to help it all dry. Maybe clean the deck really good and put a sealer down. 2. You won't know whats going on behind that bolt until you pull it. If it hasn't moved for years and years you might leave well enough alone.
  17. It sounds like your done for the season. Do all your motor maintenance, as recommend. Next I would empty your gas tank. Pour it in your car, mower, whatever you burn the fastest. No sense wasting that gas. Next I would take everything out of the boat. All gear and batteries. Vacuum and clean the inside and out. After it's all cleaned up, open what hatches you can with the cover on. Once it's put away with the cover on, make sure you stick your head in there regularly and look around. Do this more than once a month. Your two biggest problems are going to be condensation and mice. Maybe, just keep an eye on it.
  18. You need to "prime" the pump. Go backwards.
  19. My wife would have made me put it in the recycle bin.
  20. I don't frequent Facebook to often, but it worked for me.
  21. I'm just going to tie it. A chain is over kill for what I'm catching on the bottom.
  22. I lost my anchor today! I was fishing a river and dropped the anchor, I couldn't figure out why I was getting so close to a log jam coming up, pulled up the rope, no anchor . I was using a carabiner tied to a rope which clipped to the anchor. I guess somehow when I dropped the anchor the rope pushed open the clip and the anchor slipped out . The bite had shut down anyway, so I made my way to the launch and went home. That one small thing put a cloud over the whole experience. I've got a strong magnet. Next time I'm there I'll fish for the anchor.
  23. There you go. Get the 10 footer, clean it up, and flip it for something bigger.
  24. Did you call Bayliner and ask? They are the ones who can tell you what the recall is and weather it is still covered. Neat project, post pics of your progress.
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