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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. The little paddle comes clipped in the stern storage(it's a bad day if you have to break that out). There really is no other place that the stern light fits other than the rod holders or along side the captains seat.
  2. The LED's are water-proof. The rest of the housing is not water-proof and will fill with water. Well here is my solution for stowage of the stern light. I had some EPP foam from a shipping box and I laminated three pieces together, it comes to about 2" thick. I cut the foam to an approximate shape of the inside hull. Measured for the hole that the light will fit in, and pushed the foam in between the counsel and the hull. Now the light is off the floor, hopefully enough to stay away from my feet.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean "That's how LEDs are".
  4. Ok, the taillights. Well there is good news and bad news(maybe). The lights are sealed or encased, but the housing is not. The light assembly is in three pieces. The black rear housing that is attached to the trailer. A small reflector on the side that is on the street side of the light. Lastly the rear lens that has the lights, which are LED. The whole assembly is plastic, that hard brittle stuff I'm sure everyone is familiar with. The rear lens with the lights is sealed and the back looks like it maybe encased in epoxy or some other clear plastic. As you can see from the pictures the rear black housing has a bunch of holes in it. The rest of the assembly is loosely assembled, you can move it a little with your hand before disassembly. The whole thing is certainly not water proof, and the wires are tight, no slack. So what to do? You could do nothing, the lights and wire connections are sealed. It will probably take longer for the water to drain than it will take to fill. Maybe put a couple of gold fish in there ! You could try to seal it up with silicon to try and keep all water out. Lastly, you could drill some drain hole in the bottom so the water can drain out proper and not worry about feeding the gold fish inside . I'm not sure, I'm leaning on drilling some holes in the bottom right now.
  5. Yes there is a quick disconnect. I'm probably going to spin my batteries also. I want the covers for the trolling battery closer to the stern to inspect the water level easier.
  6. Alright, my first mod. I moved the gas tank to the port side. I want it on the same side I fill my truck .
  7. I just looked at that, and it looks like the place. I would like to get it tucked up under the ledge for the warning plates. That way it will be a little higher from my feet catching it. I need to find a clip or something. Thanks!
  8. It wasn't to bad. I could stand around and scream how people are not doing their job or i could take the boat home. I took the boat home .
  9. I think if they were making them at their leisure the edge would still be the same. At this price point your not going to get rolled or capped edges. They are going to cut and put it in. For me it's not a quality issue, it's just the way it is.
  10. Here you go. https://www.walmart.com/ip/eCustomrim-Mounted-Trailer-Tire-On-Rim-ST185-80D13-13-Load-C-5-Lug-White-Spoke/50191145
  11. Loading the boat with some stuff and looking around. I would advise everyone to check the top edge of the rear storage box. Mine had a sharp edge to it. I ran a file around and it's OK now. I would hate for anyone to cut an arm open reaching in and out! Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the stern light. It's pretty tall and I have it in one of the rod holders on the side. I don't see anywhere else to put it. The bow light has a nice holder in the forward storage box. They are both made from a very light weight aluminum. I'm sure it wouldn't take much to bend them. I ordered a spare tire. Anyone mount theirs yet? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to just bolt it on or try to use a U-bolt.
  12. I just got mine today! Two hours total to pick it up. 15 minutes to sign papers the rest for a walk-through of the boat. At the Portage, IN BPS they told me they have sold 37 so far and if you were to order one today they wait is to August. It tows nice. One thing I noticed there are a lot of shavings in the bottom of the boat. Even some in the carpet. I may rinse the hull to get the shaving out the plug rather than the bilge. I can't wait to get it out, we have had some crazy rains lately. Hopefully next week sometime.
  13. I pick it up Thursday!! That makes exactly 5 weeks for me. Not to bad I guess.
  14. Wow, your having trouble with your RPM gauge? Have you considered taking it back in? I would think that should be covered under warranty. I'm not convinced that the Heritage gauge is a OEM Mercury part. Using the Tracker stock photos, I can't find the exact replacement. Anyhow, the few gauges I'm looking at are I think, reasonably priced, doing the install myself. I know you can get the crank voltage from your fish finder, and speed from your phone. I'm not sure what to do. Right now I have too much time, and too many ideas about what I might want to do with my new boat. It's been killing me, but I'm not buying anything until after I get the boat. I figure that way I'll have a better idea of what I want/need.
  15. A few days after ordering the boat I took an online course. I got my card a few weeks ago. All I need is the boat to tell my insurance about taking the course.
  16. My Silverado only has a round trailer plug so that's one of the first things I asked about when I ordered. The trailer is for a 2" ball also.
  17. I called today and they are still saying the beginning to mid-March for me
  18. If anyone wants to read up on the Lawrance 3X look here: Hook 3x Operation Manual (en-us) Not a large manual, it should be simple to operate.
  19. I will only have the finder that comes with it. I'm trying to hold off on buying a bunch of stuff right now until I actually get the boat. I figure I will know better what I want after I get it out on the water. Basics like PFD's, some rope...I have already, but my buying list is getting longer the more I have to wait .
  20. Interesting. I'm not looking to be that phone dependent
  21. So while I wait, I've been kicking around a few ideas. Since it only has an RPM gauge, anyone thinking about putting in anymore gauges? From what I've read, speedometers are almost a waste of time. They clog and end up unusable after awhile, don't know. What about an hour meter or volt meter? These look like they might be a good match. http://www.mercruiserparts.com/895295a41-gauge-cruise-log-1 http://www.mercruiserparts.com/895285a41-gauge-speed-w-b-c-1
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