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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. Brown. I'm still waiting for the paperwork to come in to take to the BMV to get my numbers.
  2. Not too bad. Are you going to disassemble an existing seat or buy a mount for the bottom?
  3. A tray has been in the back of my mind for awhile now. I kind of figured there might be a problem structurally to put one in. I figure after a few more boats are out there, someone will take the front deck off for a look. I've only had the boat out twice now, for engine break-in. I messed with the trolling motor some. I do think it might be more comfortable to have the peddle recessed.
  4. My wife needs a shorter post. She is 5' and her feet don't reach the deck. BPS has an 11" post we may try out.
  5. Yep, per the manual, 55 lbs torque, on my torque wrench.
  6. 32 mph in some wind. One thing I noticed, which seems obvious now, is with the front seat up it really restricts your visibility forward. After I finished running my trolling motor, I had to take the seat down when I went on the main engine.
  7. This is fine. Your equipment doesn't' care where it's getting it's juice from, just as long as they are getting 12V.
  8. I was recently looking at my prop. There is some play there, it's not super tight. To reassure yourself check the prop nut to be sure. If I remember correctly it's a 15/16 socket.
  9. The boat is not that heavy. Unless your climbing up to some mountain lake you should be ok, even with the Ranger.
  10. I just got that charger. I mounted it flat in the battery area. It's a little heavy, so I didn't want to mount it on the side.
  11. What does your truck spec out at? I would start there.
  12. Man, you have to wait until Saturday. That has to be crazy having that hang over you with the pick up!
  13. The demo model at the BPS by me has a small spot like that, so it may not be a good idea to hold out for that. In fact all of the welds are a little rough on that one. On my boat the welds are definitely better, but they are not going to win any awards. For robot welding I kind of expected more. I have an aluminum horse trailer and I know it has human welds, and they are very nice and smooth. For you guys still waiting, just like anything you buy, check it over before you sign. Bisk keep us up to date. Thanks.
  14. I figured that's how the hoses where hooked up, glad to actually see it. Can you still lock the rear storage OK with the window seal? Nice idea.
  15. I had it out for the second time yesterday . Step 2 engine break-in complete , and I'm definitely into Step 3. It was a little windy, 10-18 mph, and it certainly was cold. The boat handled great in the small waves and wind. The max rpm achieved was 5600 and max speed 32 mph, even with the wind. I used an app on my phone to measure the speed. Something I did notice, steering seems a little squishy at max speed. I don't know if that's the nature of the beast, but something to note. For me the biggest part of the beak-in is complete. Step 3 which reads, "For the next eight hours of operation, avoid continuous operation at full throttle for more than five minutes at a time." is how it will be mostly driven anyway. I had the wife with me this time. It helps to have some ballast on the other side of the boat (as little as that maybe). By-yourself it does list a little to the starboard. I know it's only March but I need some warmer weather to get out there and finally fish . One other note, when you launch and recover everyone will notice this boat and want to check it out .
  16. OK, I mentioned earlier about the hardware to hold the spare tire I found is all galvanized steel. So I bought two 6X1/2" stainless carriage bolts. Sanded one side a little so the drill bit wouldn't slide around too much. Drilled a 1/4" hold through the center at the end, and now I can lock it. I know that's not the most secure lock around and it wouldn't take anything to cut it, but that's what I have for now. If something better comes up I can easily change it.
  17. I just got my Minn Kota charger yesterday. I already filled out the online rebate...Now I wait. I'm still trying to decide where to mount the charger. It's kind of heavy and I'm hesitant to mount it on one of the sides.
  18. After my test run yesterday the spare tire I ordered was leaning up against the house as I rolled in. After looking around at different U-bolts and ways to lock it, I think I'm just going to go with two 6" stainless carriage bolts. I'm going to drill a hole at the end of one, to slide a lock in. All of the ready made bolts are galvanized steel which is going to bind up eventually. There is not a lot of room between the boat and tire to play around if you have a flat.
  19. Hey it floats! Almost a week and I finally got it out on the water. I'm following the break-in instructions for the engine, so I couldn't open it up. I got the first hour out of the way. I went to a local lake with a speed limit of 10 mph . I'm going to have to go farther to go faster for the rest of the break-in. So far so good. Starts, runs, handles nice. The stock trolling motor seemed to work fine for me. I had about a 10 mph wind and some current and I was able to power through that no problem. The live well worked fine and I had no water in the boat when I was done. I made a few rookie mistakes. One, I forgot to lift the trolling motor when I went on the main engine. That should count as charging the TM battery! Also that blasted kill switch cord!! I forgot about it every time I got up . I had the lake to myself so I didn't have to worry about anyone else, or hurry when I launched and recovered the boat. They are calling for more "Seasonal" temperatures starting tomorrow, so I figured I better get out while the getting is good. Overall a successful shake down cruise .
  20. Other than payment, I don't know why you would take any of those things to the dealer?
  21. Here is another one for the list. The cup holder, it has a drain in the center. From the bottom it looks like we can attach a hose. Without the hose it empties on the steering mechanism. If you choose to add a hose, where to rout it?
  22. When I went to pick mine up they offered to run the motor for me. If your concerned about the motor, make sure they do that for you.
  23. If the lights fail I'm defiantly not going back to BPS to replace. I might have to paint the foam. It's awfully white under there.
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