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Everything posted by Bolar

  1. Today is suppose to be the best day of the weekend. I stole away some time this morning to try out a new lake by me. It's still COLD . Lower 40's, I was using a hill by the shore as a wind break. I had fun anyways...
  2. All part of the process I guess. In about a week I should have everything, and if the weather cooperates, I should be on the water with everything complete.
  3. It took me just over a month to get the paperwork from Tracker to register my boat. In fact I went yesterday to get everything set with the state. In the old days I would have walked out of the BMV with a plate, tax stamp and numbers . Now everything is mailed, and I wait again.
  4. It's your boat. You can add whatever you want. On the Heritage the bilge and aerator are on the same switch so you may or may not want to change the bilge switch out. There is the lettering on the panel also.
  5. There is no timer on the live-well. It is either on or off. You set your aerator flow screwing in our out, and the extra water exits the overflow at the top of the live-well. I messed with the live-well some my first time out, but haven't had a chance to get out and really spend some time with the boat.
  6. If your going to the trouble of installing a volt meter I would suggest something more. That small meter only has 5 segments: Charged(probably), mostly charged, mostly dead, and dead battery. What is the voltage between segments? I would suggest if you don't get a meter with an actual read out, get one with more segments (the more the better) so you have a better idea of what you have in your battery. Also, if your want to use one meter for both batteries (12V & 12V) you can use a DPDT (on-off-on) switch on your panel. This is what I plan on doing, although mine will be analog meter.
  7. I use the copy of my sales receipt and I got an e-mail saying they accepted it. Nice!
  8. I'm not sure what your asking. The fenders have steps on them, though the whole fender is made of plastic. I'm afraid to put all of my weight on them. I just use them sort of as an assist. While I'm moving I'll step on them on my way up.
  9. Something like this? https://smile.amazon.com/WATERWICH-Waterproof-Voltmeter-Digital-Motorcycle/dp/B072JMCW8R/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1521997108&sr=8-3&keywords=boat+volt+meter
  10. My temporary tag expires tomorrow, and I just got my paperwork to get my numbers today. I'll be glad to get that all dealt with.
  11. Be careful with the extra tarp. I don't think the stock tarp will like anything extra rubbing on it. In fact I think having the opening sewn in is a good idea if your worried about the gap.
  12. Did your boat order list your Minn Kota? My order doesn't list it. I'm wondering if they will accept that?
  13. When I took my hub caps off to grease the bearings, I noticed some very light surface rust on the inside of the cap. Apparently they are only chromed on the outside. I've got them on pretty good so I'm going to keep them on the wheels for now. My transom straps have been working OK to this point, but I can see myself replacing them in the future. My biggest obstacle so far has been the weather. I can deal with the temps in the 50's but any lower the wind just cuts right through you and makes being out uncomfortable. Maybe next week.
  14. Do you have a source for matching carpet?
  15. I'd head over to BPS and try them out. Jump up on a 170 and see which is more comfortable.
  16. The boat is tied against a concrete wall, wind is blowing in, waves are waving... The up and down, back and forth on the wall.
  17. How do you keep them from rolling on top of the gunnel?
  18. So the last time I was out there were no piers to tie up to (they pull then out for the winter). The only place to tie up was along a concrete wall. I was lucky, I had my wife along to hold the boat awhile I parked, and keep it off the wall. Since then, I've been looking at boat fenders. The traditional fenders I've looked at would hang just below the gunnel and with the angle of the bow going down, it looks like I might still get some scrape. Also with the wind and waves, would the fenders roll out of position? I got this large diameter pool noodle to experiment with. I figured I would cut it on half, then split it down the center and slipping them on the gunnel. I'm not sure how to keep them from popping off...it's a work in progress.
  19. I've only been out twice, stupid weather, but as far as I can figure I'm getting 3 hours out of the stock tank. That was breaking-in, varying the throttle and all. Right now I don't know if that is good or bad. I'm going to wait and see if i need a bigger tank.
  20. Interesting. I figured they would sell to April 15 regardless the number. They are making money on them, why give that up? At least those people at the factory have steady work through the summer. They should have a party when the last one rolls off the line .
  21. I have an extra I will probably put on the gas tank. I can get that one tight, it has a metal buckle.
  22. New mod., sort of. I could never get the straps for the batteries tight. The roads around me are horrible and I know the batteries are bouncing around back there like a baby rattle. I found some 1" ratcheting straps and replaced the ones that came with the boat. They are long so I trimmed them with an old X-acto knife I heated up. One less thing to worry about . https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077H7WBSZ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  23. I just popped the hub caps to grease the bearings. They use Lucas Red and Tacky (which I read in their brochure). There was quite a bit in there but it took some more before it started to push out. I'm using marine grease now which will replace that. One cap was a little lose on the wheel. There are three nubs on the rim that hold the cap on. I took a rubber mallet and lightly tapped a couple edges of the cap and popped it back on. It seems pretty secure now. I also checked the lug nuts while I was there and they were all fine .
  24. Not a camera but I've used these for many years. https://www.harborfreight.com/magnetic-trailer-alignment-kit-69778.html
  25. Check your state laws also. As in my case in Indiana the numbers have to be a single color contrasting to the background and have specific spacing. Additionally they are suppose to be "Block" lettering, what ever font that is. If you have the rest correct I think you might be able to get away with more on the font. I'm not sure, I've never even been stopped for a fishing license check .
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