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  1. If theft won’t be an issue, lay three or four pieces of pvc piping down and just slide the boat over the pvc. The pipe should be slightly longer than the boat is wide.Leave the pvc there for next time. If theft is an issue, just carry them along in your truck.
  2. Can two people fish out of a Bass Hunter eight footer comfortably ? I like that model cause it has the built in wheels and is the lightest of their three models. I’m 72 years old with very weak legs, so weight matters. Thanks
  3. What does the Pelican Bass Raider 10e retail for ? I just saw one on the Walmart website for $1,299.00 marked down from $1,700.00. Is that a mistake? I thought Dicks sold them for about $650.00.
  4. Best upgrade to my rig that I did this year. The old fashion removable ratchet type used to drive me nuts !
  5. You could take out a few pieces of plywood and place them where your trailer tires would end up. That may help distribute the weight enough.
  6. I told my neighbor that rollers with aluminum boats could spell trouble. He looked at me like I had three heads. About four years later the rollers had wore a hole in his hull. He had it welded. Two years later , another hole. He switched to bunks after that .
  7. I can't help you out with Racine or Kenosha lakes, I only know the waters of Waukesha county. Also, the only year around bass fishing waters are the Mississippi River and the boundary waters of WI & Iowa.
  8. I keep one , a different brand , on my pontoon boat. Needed it one day to jump the battery. Worked great , used it twice that day.
  9. You can buy these cooler live well aerator kits that include the pump, tubing and pvc pipe.
  10. Back in the day I had a tilt bed trailer and a 14 foot jon boat. I loved that rig. The tilt feature was so easy to use. At some launches , depending on the slope , I could actually launch and retrieve my boat without getting the trailer tires wet !!! Peoples jaws would drop over that !! I don't think any major trailer manufacturer makes them anymore. Not sure if it was a cost issue or a safety issue. If anyone knows where I can purchase one new, let me know, I'd be all over that.
  11. Thank you for the information. Is it stable getting in and out or does it rock? If you are alone and on the front casting deck is it stable or rock a lot?
  12. Actually I am about 30 miles west of Milwaukee. I am 69 and retired. Presently fishing out of a 2012 Crestliner 1546, a jon boat with a flat floor and casting deck up front. It's powered by a 25 HP Mercury and I have a 55 pound Minkota on the bow. I mostly go out and flail around for bass, catch, photo and release. I live within 20 minutes of a dozen lakes and try and get out at least a few times a week. I also keep a pontoon boat permanently moored on a local lake for the summer, and fish off of it also. Thank you for adding me, I love to read these forums.
  13. Please excuse this lengthy post. I have several questions that I need answered concerning a possible future new boat. Presently I have a 2012 Crestliner Retriever 1546 Jon Boat. It has a flat floor, casting deck, and rod /gun box. No live well, but that’s not really an issue. Powered by a 25 Mercury, electric start and power trim / tilt. The hull weighs only about 300 pounds, so it’s easy to get on and off the trailer (bunk type) and while moving around the garage. There is no wood in this boat, all aluminum, including the floor and transom. The boat is a tiller model, no center console. A nice rig. Of course I’m always looking for something better, and as I am 69 years old, I should not wait too long to look. I’ve sort of have my eyes on the following, all in the fourteen foot version. All of the boats are 2017s and all tiller models. They are the Mirrocraft Outfitter, the Alumacraft Escape, and the Lund Fury. All would be equipped with their maximum rated motors, which I believe are between 25-40 depending on the brand. I have a few general questions about these types of boats, deep V’s, in general. First, are they easy to enter and exit from the dock? Do they pitch and rock much? Remember, I am 69. My current boat is very flat on the bottom and very stable to enter and exit. Second, when I am in it alone, and casting from the front casting deck will that be stable or will it pitch and roll more than my flatter bowed jon boat? Third, these hulls weigh between 450-600 pounds depending on the brand. My current boat weighs about 300 pounds. Will I notice that difference cranking it up onto the trailer? I do have to crank, I’m no longer spry enough to drive it up the trailer and exit over the bow of the boat. Will I notice a difference moving it around the garage by hand? Of course I will have a tongue jack, like I do now. Of the three mentioned about, does anyone have any specific comments about them? I know Lund makes a good boat, but their live well doesn’t have a gasket on it, and I’ve heard that they can leak water out of the top when riding the waves. It looks like the Mirrocraft may have the same problem. On the other hand the Alumacraft live well does have a gasket around the opening and is supposed to keep the water in it. The Alumacraft Escape has the widest beam, 76 inches vs 70 inches for the other two. The Mirrocraft is made here in Wisconsin. It did seem a bit bare bones or cheap, or maybe that’s just how the vinyl made it look. They do offer the best seat arrangement. As an option I can have a casting deck with the pedestal base put on the rear of the boat, something the other two don’t offer. I also notice that these boats all have staggered seats, one seat is on the left side of the boat, and the other seat is on the right side of the boat. How do you feel about fishing from so near the gunnel and not in the center of the boat? So help me out here. I’m in no rush to buy a new boat, but still…… Give me your thoughts and opinions. Better still, does anyone in Southeastern Wisconsin own one and care to take me for a test ride? I’d buy you lunch or give you a few bucks for your time. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’ll wait for your comments.
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