I thought up the 56 rig a while back in early April, I have fished it in various conditions and many diffent bodies of water big lakes, small ponds, rivers, you name it and it has out preformed all the other lures every. Single. Day. I guess I should probably tell you what you need to rig it and how to fish it. What you need for the rig is a robo worm and a wacky hook, I use all the sizes of robo worm for the 4.5 inch I use a #1 Ike approved hook, for the 6 inch I use the 1/0 size or for a faster fall the 2/0 but either works great and for the big 7 inch worm I use a 3/0 hook. Color isn't too big of a deal I use a morning dawn color during overcast days or dirty water( also witches t in dirty water) and either a b hite delight or arons magic for high visiblty days, to rig the bait you have first bend the wacky hook so that the point is parral with eye this is crucial for a good hook up ratio. Next tie on the hook then thread the hook through the front of the nose then go straight down through the worm then pull the hook all the way out past the eye then hook the bait with hook point exposed on the back of the worm. For line and gear I use 15 pound braid to a long 10 pound floro leader. Sense this is a weight less bait you need spinning gear. I use a medium power extra fast 6'6" rod with a 200 size reel.
The real test of this rig was when me and a friend went to a park lake know for being extremely pressured he was throwing a wacky rig I I was throwing my 56 rig I cuaght around ten and he cought none and to prove this wasn't a coincidence whe went again with the same results until he switched to my rig and caught 7. I really think I have something special I hope you guys will try it and tell me what you think all you have to do is tie it on and twitch twitch pause and you will catch fish.