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Everything posted by Coldbasser

  1. I'm just heading out to go fishing for 4 days ? But it's ice fishing 4' of ice on our lakes hunting walleye's We have some Giants in Lake Winnipeg cheers
  2. Can you please post a picture of a Stone Cat? where r they available? cheers rick
  3. I find this all very amusing ? The complete arrogance of the words " This is my spot" wreeks of EGOTISTICAL thinking. As we all know public water is not a misnomer I really don't care if $$$$ is on the line or not. M.A.G.A. would of meant a conversation & not someone having to take some time to get control of his emotions. Sad statement on all of ours society. Sincerely Rick
  4. Z is the man & is unapologetic about it! in this politically correct world his days r numbered saddle cheers Rick
  5. thanks I have placed an order with the Bait Monkey & dang it that monkey is very persistent. Rick
  6. Nice to see some caught fish ?? congrats Rick
  7. Congratulations ?
  8. Very nice Rick
  9. Thanks for the great information :-)) I will be waaaaaayyyyy more patient when using jerk/slash baits. will be using them shortly after ice out in clear water 10+' of clarity Rick
  10. Feb,25,2019 Severe Cold warnings out today with wind chills to minus 46 cabin fever all around me. Only 3 more months till open water fishing!,!! Wahoooooo cheers Rick
  11. Do you like to use slash baits? If so what size & colors do you prefer? cheers Rick
  12. :-)) i have 2 SM over 6 lbs & coming from Canada that's something, The 2 were caught on back to back casts! In the waters of Sturgeon Bay Wi. Lol cheers Rick
  13. Beautiful fish & definitely 55 is shorts & sandels weather :-)) 4' of ice on our lakes Rick
  14. Great report that's why we fish you just never know
  15. Thank You for a great how to approach small mouth bass fishing i sincerely hope my education lasts as long as I do. sincerely Rick
  16. Great experienced information given I will, can't wait to try the 3 range of depths, jerk baits shallow- mid & deep & I have some of the baits that were recommended to try. i will post a summery of my Experiance after trying to get the bass to bite. But can't fish here for another 3-4 months
  17. Hi looking for a few opinions on fishing Suspending Jerk Baits, what attitude do you like your bait to have when its sitting suspended? Beak up down or neutral? I'm going to use some suspending dots so I will adjust how the baits sits! regards Rick
  18. Highs during the day of -36 and wind chills of -50 to - 60 expected next 2 days this is the type of weather that turns you Uncle's into Aunts if you stay outside just a little to long. :-)) Cheers Rick
  19. Great information & tips on how to fish cranks in cold water. cheers
  20. Berkeley Nanofill Line flat out sucked and broke under pressure of catching a fish
  21. A nice Laker and a Giant Musky Cheers All big fish are treated with care and released to fight another day!
  22. My son and I with some late season walleyes. Cheers
  23. Boy oh Boy does that look familiar LMAO Just wondering how you managed to get pic's of my stuff
  24. Great work they look very fishy
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