I've posted similar questions before so if you have read those and feel I'm redundant I do apologize! There is a place I fish with two ponds. The smaller one feeds the larger one and the smaller one is fed by a nearby river. The small one probably 6 acres and 30ft deep, the large one probably 12 acres and 60ft deep. I first fished in the small one many years ago. I caught a lot of perch and a lot of bass, but all the bass were pretty much under 2lbs. I started fishing the large one a year or two later and I have caught some over 5lbs, and most days I always catch some over 2lbs.
I know about 2 years ago they had a poaching issue, and this is a private pond so there is no limit or game warden, they just had some locals come over and take home a lot of fish. I know one guy took home 60 bass in a day from the large pond, and I also can tell you I could catch 10+ perch a day with bass lures and now there are NO perch in the water as far as I know. So overfishing was definitely an issue, but to what end I can't quantify.
They have mostly controlled the poaching issue for nearly a year now, at least as much as they can (maybe still are people coming late at night when nobody is there, hard to know), but recently they had someone taking 20+ bass a day from the small pond. Well, I have not caught much in the large pond the last year or two. I remember a time I could throw a crank bait and catch five 3lb bass in about an hour, whereas now it rarely happens. Yesterday just for kicks I fished the big and little pond, and I caught a 3lb from the big one, but after an hour I had nothing so went to the small pond. I literally was there 15 minutes and caught 8 bass, all from 1-1.5lbs in about 20 casts.
I know this small pond was the most recently poached so I would assume it had fewer fish, but I was catching them? So now I don't know if the large pond has smarter fish or less fish? Just logically if both were being poached, you would expect both to either have fewer fish or both would have smarter fish, so it struck me as unusual that I caught so many so fast in the small pond. No kidding though, there was a time I was catching 2-4lb bass that quickly in the larger pond in an hour, and these days I'm lucky if I snag one once every 4-5 outings. It's sad I'd like to think they are still there and just smarter than they were, but I really doubt that's true.