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About Bassin_Nutt

  • Birthday 02/09/1941

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    Lakewood, New York

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  1. OK, If I may make ONE suggestion. When you catch 2 smaller size bass, there just might be larger ones there with them BUT they will not most likely be in the heart of the smaller ones. AFTER catching 2 smaller size bass, throw plastics to the BACKSIDE of where you were throwing and work your bait forward. Then cast to EACH side of that hole and work your plastice. Then, REPOSITIION your boat so you can cast in FRONT of the hole. The bigger bass will be on the OUTSIDE, away from the smaller bass waiting for an easy prey. I hope I made this clear enough. Best of luck to you.
  2. Thanks JT for some very interesting reading. I found your articles to be informative and interesting. I'll be reading ALL of them.
  3. You can tell I'm a little ole retired pastor. I have a 1988 Winner bassboat with a 50 merc. A gigantic 16ft. ;D
  4. One thing I have learned, be very attentive to your surroundings. If I see baitfish rising or swirls I know something is going on and I have caught many bass that way. Watch my surroundings as I fish.
  5. I have noticed that the smaller bass will be close to but not in the BIG crowd. I think the bigger bass watch more intently and are more curious about what they eat. They choose to be picky while the smaller bass will eat most everything you throw.
  6. I have some new Horny Toads. They really catch bass and so many people swear by them.
  7. After This past year, I am absolutely sold on Tiki Sticks/Wave Worms. I lost count on my bass from the docks alone but way over 100 in 3 months times. I am already stocking up on these and I cannot fish bass for another 7 months.
  8. I just love Bassfishing. I fish for both and I find on my lake, Both are wonderful to catch. Smallies do fight like no other but a good largemouth sets my heart just a pounding.
  9. All forums grow as the need grows. Give it time.
  10. Today I got 3 of the 4 Slim Dogs I ordered but I am amazed at the design. There are holes behind each gill and another hole just under the mouth. This must be to create the splash it says it does. These baits are really awesome looking. Next year at Lake Moultrie, I hope to use these on the Stripers there or perhaps draw up a big bass from the deep.
  11. I bought 3 used bassboats. @ from the internet. I will strongly sugeest that above all, TAKE THE BOAT FOR A TEST DRIVE. Make sure you compare prices and if you need to drive 500 miles to get the boat you want, (I did) it will be worth it. For $12,000, you could buy almost brand new or you could get a new tracker. Look around and shop and if you do not know much about bassboats, take someone with you who knows. Hope this helps.
  12. I'm from 70 miles south of Buffalo in southwestern New York State on fantastic and beautiful Chautauqua Lake. A lake with Big smallies, largemouths, walleyes, Muskies, and crappies.
  13. I would have to say the Zellamander. I have been so amazed how this thing catches bass and nice size ones as well. I do need to buy some Creature-Baits though. Reading to much how they catch bass continously.
  14. I have a 1988 Winner glass bassboat with a 50 merc. I might consider a 90 if I were to upgrade.
  15. I fish for smallmouths on a regular basis. I use 3/8 or 1/2 oz Stike King Pro Model Spinnerbaits, double Colorado blades, Power worms 7in., and They sure to do love Tiki Sticks/Wave Worms Watermelon/red. Also smallmouth bass loves Pumpkinseed or green tubes dragging in spurts, with the lightest weight possible. In a couple days, I'll post my method of tubing and dock fishing for bass that might interest you.
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