I agree. You can't just bumble through without confidence in what you are saying and expect to make it as a content creator. What if different fish are there for different reasons, or biting a specific bait for different reasons?
Just last week I was fishing a grass edge with my brother. We pulled up, he started a with spinner bait, and I started with a dropshot. He was burning his spinner bait along the grass edge, I was dead sticking my dropshot. After a couple casts we both started catching fish every couple casts. If I had been alone, I may have theorized that fish were sitting near the bottom, in a post frontal funk, looking for a subtle presentation. If my brother had been alone, he may have reached a completely different conclusion about the mood and positioning of the fish. Was he catching actively feeding fish or getting a reaction strike? Was I catching only the inactive fish that were sitting near the bottom? Were the fish positioned near the bottom and going up to grab his spinner bait, or were their bass throughout the water column? Would the fish that bit my dropshot, have been willing to up and grab his spinner bait and vice versa?