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Everything posted by Troy85

  1. 1 hour left........crunch time for those new the 20 line.
  2. I wish I had some popcorn in my desk!
  3. He is in rare form that's for sure. Also, the battle for 20th between Matt Lee and Vinson is fun to watch.
  4. Haha! he dropped a couple F bombs during that rant!
  5. I like the two groups as well, really enjoying the live coverage. I'm just wondering if the shot gun round and elimination round weights should be averaged together to decide the top 20. At this point, the guys in the top 5 could more than likely stop fishing for the rest of the day and still easily make the cut, other than finding new fish for the next round, there really isn't much of an incentive for them to keep fishing. Since the weights reset after elimination, your place in the original top 20 doesn't matter at all as long as you make the cut. An average of the two days would at least force them to be consistent between the two rounds.
  6. I have an Ike as well, one of my favorite rods.
  7. You will be happy with the Veritas. They are good rods. I have two of them, and my brother has 4. The only time I've seen one of his randomly break, was when I randomly stepped on it. oops.
  8. I like it so far. One thing I wish is that the commentators wouldn't talk over the anglers though, there were many times when the pros were talking about technique or fish positioning, but you couldn't really hear much of what they were saying over the commentators. I'm sure they will work it all out though, for its debut show, I'd say it was a success.
  9. I agree. I thinks its a combination of being more rare as well as being conditioned from being caught multiple times. I don't think they are "smarter", but but become more wary from being caught. Same is true with all animals, a squirrel in a public park will eat peanuts out of your hand, take squirrels that has been shot at on a hunting preserve, you snap one little twig and you can watch him scurry off into the wooded sunset.
  10. With the BPT, they do get two practice days. That should give them time to locate some areas that hold bigger fish, as opposed to the MLF cup events where they show up with no info or time to practice.
  11. With all the new faces, its hard to know who to pick. I like your approach, may have to do the same.
  12. My dad likes to shake the rod tip in the water so it sounds like a hooked fish splashing next to the boat. It works pretty well on those slow days.
  13. Rivers, I use mostly Black/Blue or Black/Red, craw style baits mostly. Tidal marsh, I use mostly Junebug and watermelon red, either worms or baby brush hogs most of the time. When the shrimp start migrating out of the marsh in late spring and again in the fall, I'll use green pumpkin magic baby brush hogs to imitate a shrimp.
  14. Mike Iaconelli wrote Fishing on the Edge. Its about his rise to Elites and winning the Classic. He talks a lot about how he made connections in the fishing industry and how he advanced to the elites thru the BASS Nation.
  15. I stopped at BP the other day. After hearing so much love for War Eagle Spinner baits, I finally decided to give them a try. I picked up a few 1/4oz, I even bought a gold one because so many people here raved about that color. Then i made the mistake of wandering a few isles over and spotted the Roboworms.
  16. Watermelon/Red Flake is my go to color in the green category. I don't have as much luck with green pumpkin.
  17. I went from original bags stored in 1 gallon ziplocks to large plano boxes a few months back. So far I am happy with the choice. The only baits I keep in the original bags are scented creature baits. I just couldn't track it well enough in the bags, I'd buy a bag of baits I thought I was out of, only to find 2 bags a few days later. Now I keep them by type in plano boxes. I agree with you, the biggest downside is storage space. I'm thinking I'm going to build a little storage rack under my front deck for the plano boxes. My current system just has them strewn about under the deck, I mean I try to stack them neatly, but that never lasts.
  18. Superfluke. I won't throw one for months, then I'll read an article about how effective they are, or a buddy of mine will be catching fish out of the back of the boat throwing one. So I'll give it another try, always ends the same though, with a big fat zero.
  19. If I'm going minnow style trailer. I'll use either a Cocahoe or a Queen Cocahoe by H&H Lure. The plastic is very durable and a ten pack costs about $3.50.
  20. I've only been around here for about 2 years. In that time I have learned a ton all while just chatting with others who are equally obsessed with bass fishing. It's also a great way to pass some time on weekdays when I can't be out on the boat.
  21. I fish SE LA and I use the Navionics chip and I am more than pleased. Check the link below, that is the map you get if you purchase the Navionics+ plan. https://webapp.navionics.com/
  22. I fish water that is mostly less than 10ft deep. So I never get to video game fish, does seem like it would be fun though. If you are fishing mostly shallow water, you should just use to to find good structure. Once you find it, either mark it on GPS or make a mental note and you can come back and fish it later. I will rarely see what I think are bass on my FF, usually what I will see is bait balls in the middle of whatever bayou or pipeline canal I'm fishing. If that is the case, then I usually stop and fish the nearest drop off or grass edge.
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