@ryanerb thanks brother. Started the morning strolling small paddle tails and Lake Fork Live Baby Shads over open water in the deepest part of the Lake. Deepest part is only 19’ and found schools and schools of Shad, but no signs of active gamefish. I fished hard for a couple hours mixing colors and trying various depths.
I ate a quick lunch and regrouped. I switched to my confidence bait. I altered my strategy and tossed buoys on transition points that had the sharpest declines. The money spot happen to have some submerged bushes at the base (sonar pic) of these drop offs. For example, it would be flat at 7’ then abruptly drop to 15-17’. That’s where I started seeing the grouped crappies..... not the Christmas tree shapes I typically find in larger reservoirs, but downscanning images gave me enough clues that they were more than likely huddled panfish
vertically jigging got the school fired up after I switched from natural colors to the bold, bright colors with stronger contrast since the water was very stained
I tried double jigs both tied with loop knots for the first time ever crappie fishing. I don’t ever want to go back to another knot. Having two jigs on one line gave me more confidence because I could offer more options and switching colors was a breeze until I figured out the puzzle. The loop knots keep the jigs perfectly horizontal resulting in flawless hook sets in the upper mouth. Didn’t miss a single fish and on 4# test on a light action, fast tip rod they sure were fun!
The most difficult part was marking sure my presentation was just over the structure and I just had to visualize. I studied the sonar unit and would yo yo to gauge where my jig was in relation to the bushes to mark my depth. High CHIRP and higher sensitivity made that video game fishing easier to interpret.
1/8 oz jigs gives me more accuracy to get my jigs down faster and stay in the strike zone too. I only use 1/16 and 1/32 oz jigs on slip bobbers especially during the spring with crappie tubes and Gulp Alive minnows.
Last thing, those BG Baby Shads are incredible! Those puppies have caught all of my large crappies and prove to be consistent every season. Perfect profile and that tapered tail quivers in such a tantalizing way that drives the slabs crazy!
Sorry for the novel. I’m getting addicted to crappie fishing ever since I moved to AZ. They are too much fun!