Said just about everybody on this forum Listen, I had a deep realization this morning that I am actually handicapping my progress embarking this exciting new endeavor of being a bass angler. I'm constantly keeping up with the 'Benjamin's' or convincing myself that this new lure/soft plastic that I read somebody's reviews on (especially soft plastics :/ - thanks Crappies) will be the answer to my riddle. For example, nice try Al almost had me with the new Storm GT360 yesterday........don't worry, you're still my icon. What's the irony here?
I said that last week when I picked up some new Reins bubbling shaker. I said that the week before when I almost pulled the trigger on a couple of the 60+ colored cranks Norman offers. The week before that, my insecurity drove me to the extreme of picking up more Z-Man TRDs that I didn't have the color of. Guess what? I have WAY more brand new, never been opened, packages that keep getting piled on with new impulsive buys haha! (spoiler alert: I have yet to use any of those aforementioned products sad huh)
I'm being a little dramatic here, but me cutting myself off from buying any new lures for the rest of this year will force me to: 1) improve on techniques with the unopened toys I already have 2) save $$$ 3) be more grateful of the arsenal of countless combinations I can muster 4) save $$$ again. And who knows.......maybe Woody doesn't have to be replaced by Buzzlightyear every week......what if what's never been opened yet is the golden ticket to all these waters all along?
Sorry marketers, I just ruined your day I know I know. Don't worry though.........plenty other fish in the sea haha.
This was not intended to be a rant, actually sharing a huge personal flaw that I need to curb; but more of a way to get this off my chest and bring some humor to the end of a stressful workday. Tight lines!