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Everything posted by Dorado

  1. I would add a white grub and a trick worm to the mix especially for shallow waters
  2. Since the square bill is a reaction type lure, I don't see why braid wouldn't hurt in clear water. The finesse game is all about FC or light hybrid line in clearer water Im curious what others will say because I don't like using braided line with anything with a treble hook. I like a little stretch in my line or leader when my rod loads.
  3. I like using hoppers or foam black ants to get their attention to the surface. Then, I'll tie on 7-10" tippet on the shank of the lead fly with a trailer fly, usually a small prince nymph or pheasant tail.
  4. Good line recommendation. I've always thrown 2" grub with bobbers to give me casting distance but hated the trade off of impeding that natural look during the retrieve. We catch channel cats all the time with 3" grubs and roadrunnners, but a flathead would be insane One of my favorite ways to ultralight fish Also, what reel and rod are you using with your ultralight set up? I ask because you definitely know your stuff!
  5. Has anyone used the Lake Fork Live Baby Shad or Spro Phat Flies for crappie?
  6. 1/8 oz Kastmaster is one of my favorite trout lures. Never thought of giving it a try on crappies. Smart
  7. This ^
  8. Big crappie fan with artificials. Gold Beetlespins with chartreuse black dot body caught my PB this year. Strongly recommend the following: Bobby Garland baby Shad (monkey milk is my fav) Powerbait atomic tubes (grasshopper is amazing), Rapala ultralight cranks, Crappie Magnet, Powerbait grubs (pearl white) and 2" Kalins triple action grubs (Albino and John deere especially). I avoided getting too much into colors because it depends on your forage. We have Threadfin Shad and clearer waters where I fish so I'm partial to natural baitfish colors, like silver or pearlescent and light blues. One exception- spawn. I go with loud and aggressive colors (pinks and bright greens and yellows) because I'm trying to tick em off when they're guarding beds If if all of that doesn't work, pair a 2" black Shad Gulp!Alive! Minnow on a chartreuse roadrunner. This might comes across wrong, but if all that above doesn't work then there are no crappies. Good luck!
  9. Thanks for the report. Do you nose hook those tubes on your drop shot?
  10. Great post! Gorgeous fish!
  11. I would try a black and blue chatterbait with a Blue Sapphire Menace Grub as a trailer or junebug zoom superfluke trailer.
  12. Boaters who get too dangerously close to my kayak. I don't get it
  13. Couple months ago I would've said 'a baitcaster'. However, I spent every weekend practicing in my backyard by aiming for my kid's portable swimming pool. Nowadays, I've built confidence and can even pitch. Current nemesis is a football jig. I can't go one outing without snagging and losing it off the bottom and mostly within my 5th cast
  14. Going to pick up some Kalins grubs in John Deere and Acid rain this weekend. Do you recall that color?
  15. Hearing so much buzz about the 110s was like giving into peer pressure. But get this, Dick's had a buy 2 get 1 free sale so I pressed the trigger back on 6/13. They were backordered so far out that I finally got these puppies today and it's almost September! I actually forgot about the order until the package came to my door.
  16. @WRB you've helped me a lot already since I've joined. You dish out some great info! I've loaded up on those Roboworm Oxblood with light red curly tails and they're awesome on a split rig for finessing Ponds.
  17. Good info! Do you get snagged a lot on rocks with that 3/8 - 1/2 oz set up?
  18. I can't wait to try this In my kayak soon. Regardless of those invasive species, my impressions of strolling are that you will still get snagged a lot on bottom structures. But, if that's the price to play then I'm willing to still try. Thanks for explaining that
  19. Is it possible and effective to slowly troll (naturally drift without paddling from a kayak) a Carolina rig?
  20. I fish night a lot at local Ponds. Black 3/8 oz Jitterbug is my favorite late summer - Fall. Winter and Spring, as long as it's not a full moon, I've had consistent success throwing a pearl white chatterbait with a white ice super Fluke jr trailer. White grubs are fantastic at night too so I think that contrast works. On full moons, I like using a black and silver sassy Shad on a chartreuse roadrunner or a black powerworm in various sizes
  21. I have a bunch of NM buddies who swear by using white crankbaits for black bass at the Butte. Plus, you can always get the white bass interested if you want to catch something. Bomber Fat Free Shad in Pearl White or a Norman Little N in White Ghost come to mind Good luck and focus on islands and points!
  22. Call me crazy but the FG knot is just fun to tie! I prefer it over the crazy Alberto because I get inconsistent knot sizes that run clunky thru my guides sometimes. Plus I had a crazy Alberto knot fail and break when I set the hook hard on a super Fluke (user error possibly). I have ever had a slip with the FG when using 12 lb powerpro and copolymor leader and I've practiced the FG enough that I can tie it at night with ease. After that initial granny knot, it's crucial to pull hard on the main line and leader tag end to tighten that coil. I pull so hard as if I'm almost trying to break it off. Then, I tie three more granny knots. Applications that I don't like to use the FG knot is with very small diameter lines when connecting 8 lb nano with 4 lb fluoro. Any recommendations here for a good connecting knot? If not, I'm just going to toss out the nano and go 100% 4 lb Sunline FC Sniper for my ultralight gear. That stuff rocks!
  23. Thank you for that link. I learned a lot from watching that twice.
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