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Everything posted by ohihunter2014

  1. you lost me. lol. no they don't. most do have them and you will know it when you see it cause its a wreck. its just a huge junk aisle. ask an associate if they have one and keep a very sharp eye for stuff. i didn't see the stuff last night until i moved some stuff.
  2. just a heads up guys I ordered a shock rod from Walmart.com for in store pickup and they only had medium heavies. when I told the girl I wanted the medium I was able to select online she looked it up and the online ad says medium/heavy and said she's not sure why it shows a medium selection. they had about 10 of them all in medium heavy. I got it anyways cause its $9 and just starting with bait casters so I'm not out a ton of money if its not my thing. going to order a few more as gifts for my brother and buddy. cant beat the price its a very nice rod.
  3. One $9 lightning shock 6ft6 medium is on the way. Im like a kid the night before Christmas. Might take a ride and get a couple more for the heck of it.
  4. okay what size would you guys recommend for a cranbait rod throwing traps, squarbills, etc? I found a couple for 9$ thanks so much.
  5. man wish I lived in Mass. I went to 2 Walmart's the last few days and all normal price. I might have to tick off the sporting goods people by calling every few days like I did when ammo was hard to find.
  6. $20-30? cheapest ive seen is $50
  7. when I look online it says instore only and wont show a price. can you help with a link?
  8. Well just got back from mine. kvd swivels $.50, Cajun 30lbs line for my catfishing $2, assorted bullet weights pack of like 50 $1, tons of fire line for $4, a little POED cause I bought a roll of 6lbs floro for leaders at $11 at a Walmart with no clearance aisle and the other one had it for $6, tons of sten mono for $5-6. someone must have a lot of rods or reselling it cause they had about 50 rolls of big game mono for $5 a few days ago and its all gone except the large diameters. grabbed 2 spray bottles of Berkley gulf night crawler and crawfish for $2 idk why I got that crap but oh well. I need a mod to ban me from here cause you guys are making me spend way too much money. LOL. new spinning combo-$99-paid $60 new casting rod several crank baits--clearance-$3-5 piece line-$5 clearance swivels-$.50 clearance steelhead rod/combo-$dicks scorecard gift cards and 20% off $38 rod slicks-$6 pliers--$5 10 packs of hooks--$1.00 steelhead jigs and floats--cant remember 5 packs worms--$2-3 a bag not one thing above did I pay full price for!
  9. okay I went to the store and grabbed a craw color red eye shad by strike king and a rat-L-trap in bleeding shad cause that's all they had and I had some dicks coupons to use by tonight. Now for the life of me I couldn't find a size on these telling if they are 1/2oz or what. how do you know what size these are? the red eye had several different colors but only one size but the rat-L-trap had bright chrome colors, a very large (IMO) craw color and some very small other colored shads. IMO I got the medium size trap. did I make the right call tonight?
  10. its a spinning rod. I used it for most my fishing but it was always bobber fishing from the bank. never used it for anything else.
  11. i thought the same thing. i grabbed like 5 rods and scanned them and all were normal price. give it a few weeks of being smashed around and they wont be normal anymore. i will say walmart scares me as far as rods go. i grabbed a rod yesterday to look at it and the top eye was completely backwards. i mean glued and all.
  12. thanks guys. the 2 i found at a sporting goods store was like $9 for the ratl trap and the off brands were about $4.
  13. how do I go about finding out what's in my lakes? I fish lake erie and a few larger reservoirs.
  14. I took one over to the scanner on the post and it rang $39 grabbed the abu Garcia in the bucket and it was $50 that was a week or so ago so ill try again. thanks for the info.
  15. I did but never steelhead fished before and cant wade cause I cant swim so trying to do it as cheap as possible. if I have no luck than I'm only out $50. I found the cabelas rod on sale for $45 was $60. wanted to keep it under $50 incase its not my thing. plus I'm spending way too much for bass and catfish already. LOL.
  16. man I hope mine does that. I found a trash can full of rods at one store and they are still full price.
  17. in your opinion would they hold up to a couple years of use of wait for the cabelas rod?
  18. anyone use a riversider rod from dicks? if so whats your thoughts?
  19. what size and style of lipless crankbaits do you guys like? I went to the store today to buy some tackle and looked at ratl traps and they are quite expensive and vary a lot. will a cheaper lipless crankbait perform the same as a expensive ratl trap? I seen a lot of bleeding shad and then some red and black ones but wasn't sure whats the best to get. some were also just plain silver and very bright it didn't look natural to me. I mostly get smaller 2-3lbs bass and sometimes we land 5-6lbs if that helps with what to get.
  20. I found a 5ft6 light action ugly stick in the garage today and a 30 size diawa reel laying around so threw it on there. what type of techniques would this setup be good for? That little rod is pretty bad a.. cause I caught several 24''+ catfish on it.
  21. now for the lightning rod shock. do you guys think that's too stuff of a tip for crank baits? I'm not one to set the hook very hard as we don't have huge bass here that give a good fight and 90% of the time when they bite it its good enough. I went to 2 Walmart's and 2 dicks sporting goods looking at rods and checked out the ugly stick lite pro and they had some good bend to them but still a little heavy and IMO heavier than the gx2. found a rhino rod that is similar to ugly sticks and about the same weight for $24. the shocks in medium felt stiff to me but what do I know I've never owned anything but ugly sticks. also looked at the abu Garcia vengeance. if you guys say lightning shock in medium is okay I will pick one up this week. I don't know how I'm going to like baitcasters so looking for something to get started with the reel I was given.
  22. im torn between getting a lightning shock rod or a ugly stick lite pro just cause of the more moderate action of them. I need something under $50 I can throw square bills, shallow cranks, etc. what do you guys suggest? oh and its going to be used with a baitcaster too. thanks
  23. i have a couple stores that have clearance stuff out like crankbaits, worms, jerkbaits, etc but most of its off brand stuff and looks a little jenk. am i better of buying rapalas over stuff like storms, or other brands? i seen cabelas has a pop r combo of like 5 for $10 and some other hard baits for cheap and they are cabelas brands.
  24. The only thing i have caught is channel cats about 24-26 inches. I would like to target large ones or flatheads or blues but not sure if i have those around me. when i went out for channels it was in the river with slip bobbers and 2 night crawlers on a hook and let it hit the bottom or just touch it.
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