Well I slapped the factory prop back on, tightened up the throttle friction a little, cleaned out the carb cover area and it ran like an animal. I had found that my fuel line had become slightly pinched due to a zip tie back towards the transom. Now, I need to figure out which fix helped remedy the hesitation. I have a 15x17 stock prop and WAS running a 14x21 solas alcup. Having a hard time accepting the fact that the solas was too much prop. It was turning 5300 at WOT with solas and the stock is screaming at 62-6300. I was right to scale that rpm back a little right? Maybe a 19. I just don't see giving up the acceleration and performance for 3-4 mph top end gain. Sure seems like it is turning too much to be good, even at a decent cruising speed. I thought that the 21 would be a perfect fit, you know, hitting the WOT range in the middle. You guys weren't lying about propping a boat. It's a certain trial and error ba$i$!!!