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Everything posted by hakksaw

  1. Well I slapped the factory prop back on, tightened up the throttle friction a little, cleaned out the carb cover area and it ran like an animal. I had found that my fuel line had become slightly pinched due to a zip tie back towards the transom. Now, I need to figure out which fix helped remedy the hesitation. I have a 15x17 stock prop and WAS running a 14x21 solas alcup. Having a hard time accepting the fact that the solas was too much prop. It was turning 5300 at WOT with solas and the stock is screaming at 62-6300. I was right to scale that rpm back a little right? Maybe a 19. I just don't see giving up the acceleration and performance for 3-4 mph top end gain. Sure seems like it is turning too much to be good, even at a decent cruising speed. I thought that the 21 would be a perfect fit, you know, hitting the WOT range in the middle. You guys weren't lying about propping a boat. It's a certain trial and error ba$i$!!!
  2. Hey fellas, I have a question about my boat's ability to get up on plane. I have an 88 merc 135 mounted on an ebbtide 180 dynatrak and recently I have had problems getting the boat on plane as quick as it should. I have a 14x21 alum prop and have tried several different pitches. Found that this suits best, but when I bury the throttle the engine bogs down and sometimes never raps up to get on plane unless I stop it and use the high idle to rev it up a bit. The weather here has been very hot and humid and I didn't notice any problems early in the season. I don't know if the secondary throttle? isn't working properly because it idles, starts and runs at wot like a champ. Installed ngk plugs and that was a major improvement at crusing speed, just can't get the thing out of the water. Thanks for your time. Tony
  3. Took awhile to get back on this subject. I purchased a used Quicksilver SS 23 pitch and gave it a shot a couple of weeks ago. The engine was turning about 5600 with the alum 17 pitch. I gained 12 mph but the rpm dropped to about 4900 which I am happy with. I see the major differences in plane times too but it sure was fun opening that thing up on some calm water. I can't imagine what you fellas running the 175's to 225's are feeling at WOT!! (well, i guess i could, but it'll take a lottery ticket for me to give it a shot ;D
  4. Sarcasm is fun isn't it..........wait a minute, did I spell that right? I've got some worms in the fridge that aren't looking too well, though the Busch light is still crisp and refreshing.
  5. 86 ebbtide dyantrak
  6. I have an '86 Dynatrak 180. Haven't owned it long, but have been very satisfied with it. I've only got a Merc 135 and it seems to push it along nicely. As for the rough water ride, I'm impressed. I took it out 2 weeks ago with a 20 mph breeze and whitecaps and it sliced through them, no problem. I did have my 250# brother in law up front though .....Anyhow, they really seem like a well built boat to me and I can't wait to get it out again. Plenty of storage and well balanced. As you know opinions vary widely and people tend to stand by their brands. I just wish Ebbtide still produced the pro bass style boats. As far as I can tell, their website shows only Euro and Family style cruisers in production today.
  7. Well put Rolo, I've used Power Pro and Spider Stealth. I liked the Stealth better as it seemed to cast smoother after being in the water a few times. For some reason the Power pro had me casting a few yards less. Picked up some Tuf line last week and restrung a couple of reels. Clearance priced and couldn't pass up a heck of deal! Never tried the Tuf-line. Curious.
  8. '86 ebbtide. have had it for only a couple months. patiently waiting to "open it up"
  9. I am curious as to what the majority of you guys are running in your V6 Mercs these days. I see that Quicksilver makes quite a few grades of oils and they certainly vary in price. I wasn't aware that they made a synthetic until a couple of weeks ago. Anybody have some positive/negative feedback on any of their products. I have an older 88 Merc 135, and of course, was told by the dealer to use the Premium Plus. I have a buddy that has a Tracker 90 and will not buy the Quicksilver brand due to price. Hell, I figure a few bucks more a gallon is worth it, not having to burn a tax refund on a motor off the rack I think he had said he uses Pennzoil. I plan on using the Premium Plus unless there are some reasons to avoid it. Thanks for your time.
  10. I have been by Czechland but never fished. Big enough to spend an afternoon there? I want to get out to Pawnee and Branched oak but have been concerned with the algae problems over the last couple years What is the size limit on Czech? I had been doing a lot of bank fishing at Standing Bear and saw some great largemouth pulled out. On the north side theres a few spots with heavy reeds that you can't fish from the bank unless you cast over them. I can't wait to get up close from the water side. Its an electric motor only lake, but have talked to a few guys running large outboards that have had no problem as long as your not wrapping it up you know. Willing to give it a shot. The game and parks site here has been pretty resourceful and quick to answer questions. I guess with all the rotten weather lately, they really don't have much else to do!
  11. Mead, nice and quiet out there for sure. i have delivered all around that area. Laid back.....yeah, there are a couple of other Ne. fellas but their post IDs are slipping my mind. what fishing holes have you been hitting in the last few years? i have been staying pretty close to Omaha and have seen some really solid largemouth action on some of the small rec areas like Standing Bear and Walnut Creek. finally got a decent boat to get a little closer to the prime spots. hoping this year will really produce.
  12. Yessir bassin_man, around 42nd I-80. "Aroma-ha." Right by the old Vinton street elevator. What town are you from? Chances are I have driven through there a few hundred times or so ....Great forum here, huh?
  13. d**n Stratos, I would've liked to seen the F100 pickup, sounds like a brute. I myself used to own a F150 with a BUILT 460 4-speed and it would tow a coal car if I tried to! I drive a semi locally here in Omaha totally understand the diesels for towing, but I love the smell and sound of big gas V8 laying it down. I also have a Mits. 3.5 V6 in my montero and have had no issues with the towing capabilities. Hell, years ago I use to tow my dads 18' deck boat with a little 4 banger Nissan with 100k on it. No problems and still runs like a champ. My brother still has it and is running it around on the mass transit mess that is Los Angeles! I don't disagree that upkeep and maintenance should not be ignored on any tow vehicle with 130,000. Upgrading and strengthening the drive train is a great idea and pay attention to the color, composition and smell of the tranny fluid. You'll be good to go.
  14. Sure thing. I have heard that you should have your engine turned all the way to one side to to "minimize cable seizure". Can't remember where I read that and I haven't given it much thought up until a couple of weeks ago with my buddies problems.
  15. I see a lot of outdoor storage facilities packed with boats that have the engines layed up and uncovered. I have mine covered, upright and turned to the right(looking at it from the rear) I have had a couple of friends have issues already with their cables seizing. Hoping that I'm not next. Just wondering why these guys haven't properly protected the biggest investment on the boat this year! Am I correct in the way I have mine set so far? thanks for your time.
  16. life is too short my friend, if this is the boat you want, then you should proceed. i purchased an older bass boat a couple of months ago and am constantly trying to improve what is outdated and worn out on it. the price range you are at will get you a great boat that will last for many seasons to come. sounds like it would be perfect for your fishing habits and having the wife's approval is certainly a plus! take care, enjoy and update us!
  17. thanks for the feedback guys. i will get it out and pay a little more attention to the rpms this spring and then look into it. it sure does seem like the 17 would be undersized. typically, i wuld like to trust the manufacturer on the decision to stick with that pitch, but its not the original motor. my boat is a traditional tournament style bass boat from ebbtide. a little old, but shouldn't be much heavier than todays models i would guess. take care, merry christmas!
  18. hello fellas, i have a question about prop pitch. i have an 88 135 merc with a 15x17 prop on an 86 dynatrak 180. would i benefit at all by switching up to a 19 or 21 pitch? i understand the concept of pitch, only if i don't look at the diagrams too much! don't know whether this motor would have the rpms to perform with the steeper pitch, is it pretty much trial and error?. don't wanna bust anything up. thanks and merry christmas!
  19. hey guys, i was looking at an older bass tracker a couple of months ago and it had been custom fitted with rope lights for night fishing. they were real low intensity lights but still would make a great option rather than the flourescant lanterns and such. it would probably be best to run them on their own toggle since they would draw off the battery quite a bit, right? i don't currently have an on board charger and wouldn't have them on full time like the navigationals. you think i could get away with flipping them on for awhile here and there without having to modify too much? if i get skunked in the A.M., i tend to drop in the stank to the bottom in for a little twilight action. new to the site and hopefully theres no offense taken to the catfishing reference Merry Christmas fellas.
  20. beautiful post cart7. look at that MERC pushin' the fluid to the back of that dudes pumpkin. if it doesn't hurt a little, your not getting your bucks worth out of it. looks like he's about to seize up. i love it!! i agree with the classifieds, especially this time of year for sure. i browsed for hours before i finally found the one and that was it. you'll know it when you see it. i tried the new and near new models and probably never will be able to swing it. get those salesmen in the early winter to wheel and deal, and you'll be in business. i suppose at 11 years old, i would recommend enlisting DAD to give you hand with the searching and negotiating process. heck, i'm 31 know less about boats than i did at 20. so much has changed in the last 10 years. hence all the questions i post on this site! Merry Christmas fellas.
  21. thanks for the info fellas, one of these days i'll get around to actually providing some helpful feedback instead of asking so many questions!! i have an oddball Merc 135 and have only had it out twice since i purchased the boat this fall. I appreciate the offer on the guard there Stratos, probably wouldn't match up and am thinking all the drilling would critically weaken the skeg. i'll just stick with the aluminum prop and get familiar with the lay of the land, so to speak. Merry Christmas guys.
  22. understood. experiences and opinions will vary widely. probably best to let this engine run a season or so to let me get familiar with it before i start to jump in over my head. always interested in peak performance, though. thanks for your input as well.
  23. Wow, I thought I was the only one that had problems with jerk off boaters. I actually had a couple of guys run up on some of my lines while doing some bankfishing with a couple of my in-laws. After chewing this guy out his buddy jumped in the mix and started casting his lure at me and threatened to whip I disagree. I was in shock, the language I was using at 8:30 am on a holiday weekend was astonishing! This almost got to the point of a fistfight. All I would've had to do is walk out into the rocks. Can you believe it? Etiquette only applys when you are on the water to this fella apparently. Man, it got ugly that morning. Hate to admit it, but I will be trolling around for these jugheads come springtime. I have never understood why there isn't just a little more respect out there. I fish to relax and enjoy life a little more. Wish some of these brainless wonders could too.
  24. As some of you already know, I am a rookie bass boat owner. I plan on getting out into every type of waterway available here in Nebraska including the Missouri river. Has anyone ever used the River Runner prop guard that attaches to the skeg? They seem like a huge waste of cash and appear that they would actually create more damage if you did hit an object of considerable size. Never seen or talked to anyone that has one.
  25. Thank you for the reply, Way2Slow. Well Put. I appreciate your knowlegable explanation. It is great to have a forum to "lean" on when trying to make some decisions. The experience within this site is invaluable! If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? Thanks again
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