Late to the party as usual, a few words of whizdumb. Finding them takes being on the water and keeping your eyes open and more likely around the pre-spawn and spawn periods. Those old gals will show themselves and you have to be there to observe where/when. I've had many jump/pass next/near to the boat, expose themselves, and then spent time chasing them down. Some I got, most not. ie; fish often at high percentage times/areas.
Equipment management; how many times did I miss one after respooling and not know it by forgetting to tighten the spool tension on hook set? Yesterday, one ate the front half of the crawbait off, <1/2" short of the hook, no telling if big or small in 12'. #'s game. You catch them sitting on the couch. I shook one off a jerk bait in a tournament because I thought it was a striper in early light, until it jumped. That's what memory is for - beat you up not to do it again. Long list of other misses, so keep a razor sharp "saw". A home owner on Murray told me he missed a 9, and I told him, we all have those stories. Accidents will still happen. I lost one when the line wrapped around the hook shank and squeezed through the small space between the eye and shank. Left with a perfect knot on end of my line. ODDS? Those things will happen, don't get excited or tore up. Cool under fire is necessary in life. Keep your bait in the water. It could come back to eat again.
I think of this as what's big for the area, not in absolute PB numbers terms. Not going to catch a natural 12+ in the north, but a 7, either mouth, is a genuine trophy there. Caught my first 7 at age 13 in northern OH.
Keep fishing the area where you observed a "giant" and that increases your odds of a hook up. Add it to your milk run. The big fish baits catch big fish or they wouldn't call them that! Tackle up and hook size/strength up. You can jerk a 3 out of a log pile but a whale won't go through easy. I fished as a co-angler with a guy, he had an 8+ bite his jig, he slept on the set, fish ran out the tree and the 20# line was wrapped up and snapped like a tooth pick. He asked me if I had any place I wanted to fish, and I said across over by the other standing tree. I threw a jerkbait in there, past the tree, and pulled out a 5 in the last minutes, so it ain't over til it's over.
Don't underestimate the buzz bait or frog for biggies. Crank it up sometimes. I used to like the ghost DB3 bagley's in Aug.
You'll have those 1 or 3 magical days when you catch a whole sack of them too, 30-40#s so don't think small. The 100 lb club exists in the pro ranks. Some BB specialists claim hundreds over 10, that's often the same pool of fish over an over and FLA strain. After this long, I'm in it for the big bites or little ones the act big.