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Patrick Kinard

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Everything posted by Patrick Kinard

  1. im looking into getting a daiwa tatula and i dont know which one to get, i dont know if i should put the money in towards the type r or just for the regular ct, still trying to decide on the ratio for all around use.. but i need to clear up this question first. i can get type r for around $150 plus tax at local tackle shop or the regular for around $100 to $110 range
  2. Well I just called my local retailer, they only have the 6.3.1 ratio and in the type r they have the 7.3.1 so I can order it in the 7.3.1 or go get it in the 6.3.1
  3. I would be happy to get the 7.3.1 ratio, I'm just worried about how hard it will be to reel in that big fish without stripping my gears, because there is alot more pressure on those gears with a higher ratio
  4. Please lol I'm sooooo confused
  5. Thank you, I just keep getting mixed opinions on these ratios, the 7.3.1 goes for 30.5 it. The 6.3 goes for 25 or 26 I think
  6. Will it feel like when I'm reeling a 3 pound fish it will feel like a 6 or 5? Because of the high ratio
  7. Ohh okay, so you don't find it a little harder to reel in the higher ratio, and it's it more likely to strip gears too if your horsing a fish out of deep cover or catch on to a massive fish with the high gear ratio
  8. that is true and i have been thinking that, what about the torque?
  9. Im looking into getting the daiwa tatula ct and i dont know what ratio to get for all around. Im looking into the 7.3.1 ratio but im woried im going to loose torque so im steering towards the 6.3.1 ratio but i just want to know what you guys think is the best all around do everything ratio. i have my curado in the HG and the x ship keeps the torque like a lower gear ratio but i know the tatula doesnst have that so what are your guy's thoughts?
  10. same with me but i also want to have that torque aswell, my curado i have it in the 7.2.1 but the x ship makes it have the torque of a lower ratio at 30 ipt compared to the tatulas 7.3.1 at 30.5 ipt there shouldn't be that much of a difference and what about the torque on the high ratio of the tatula?
  11. ohh okay, wouldnt the 7.3 be kinda high?
  12. true haha, i think i will tomorrow, what ratio should be best for all around on this reel? just trying to get all the info now so i can be sure when i go to the store
  13. everyone is saying go for the tatula ct lol, i think its clear on the winner, and i heard about the bps reels but there isnt a bps near me at all, only in the next state which sucks. its either i order the tatula or pick it up for the extra 20 bucks, which i hate wasting money on but i kinda am impatient when it comes to things so thats what im deciding now
  14. oh okay thankyou, i didnt know alot about the type r, all i know it is a suped up version and is a beast, but for the price of the regular ct you cant go wrong with that too from what im hearing
  15. should the ct still perform pretty good compared to the type r?
  16. thankyou for all the replies, and i agree, i love my curado and my higher end lews, and theres one missing from my arsenal which is daiwa, my local store has them for $130 but they give you a $10 dollar off coupon so it would be $120, i can order it from amazon for$96 free shipping, but i have to wait. im fishing this weekend alot and i kinda want it now, so should i save the extra 20 or should i just grab it. i know its a decision i should make myself but idk
  17. What's your guys opinions on a couple reels, these are the prices I can get them at REVO SX-$100 REVO S-$78 SHIMANO CAENAN-$75-$100 DAIWA TATULA CT-$90-$100 DAIWA FUEGO CT $99 I have alot of other reels up in price range not looking to spend that much EXTRA , these are some good reels here for around $100, which do you guys think?
  18. thankyou, im going to try to up my budget so what about the new fuego ct or the tatula ct or still go with the exceller?
  19. the exceler is in a left hand and i want the right, the right hand they have is in a 5 gear ratio and i cant use that for what im mostly doing.
  20. Right and a all around ratio
  21. Yeah I am not expecting it to be better but I don't want to blow another 100-200 on another reel because some budget reels are very nice and will last, and I have been eying this reel for a while and it doesn't seem that bad of a reel for around 40 bucks lol
  22. No info/feedback on the performance ?
  23. I was wanting to get a new reel, I have the newer curados and the newer expensive Lew's and I wanted to try out some cheaper gear like the daiwa laguna, my nearest Walmart has them for $42 in the 6:3:1 and $47 for 7:1:1 have you guys heard about this reel? I don't have a daiwa and I'm looking to get one and I know this reel goes for $60 on tackle warehouse aswell, I was just wondering what are peoples thoughts on this one..Thank you!
  24. Thank you and the reel is brand new again and hasn't been used but I'm starting to see people say they are a little on the geary side due to the components inside compared to other reels,
  25. I don't mind it, but I don't have the equipment and being me I'd end up messing it up more, I did it with one of my other reels but I would think the curado wouldn't need for me to do that
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