Tragedy struck a couple of weeks ago! I managed to lay waste to one of my favorite fishing rods. (I’m gonna spare myself the embarrassment of explaining how I did it.) So … I began the process of selecting a replacement. And, having a little pride, I refused to come on here and ask, “What’s the best baitcasting rod for under X dollars?” I already knew what I wanted, how I would use it, what reel would be paired with it, and what I would spend. Sounds simple … on the surface.
Background: The rod was an older Okuma TCS Frog and Swimbait Rod. It’s 7’2” and rated for lures from 3/8- to 2-ounces and I used it for everything from jigs to frogs to SPRO Frogs to T-rigs to Magdraft swim baits. Even tossed the occasional spinner bait! Was it ideal for everything? Not to a purist, but worked for me. So I figured I’d just get another one - and promptly fell down the rabbit hole! Seems the new version ain’t getting the reviews that I saw for the original; SO, the hunt began.
After researching websites and plowing through pages and pages of discussions here on Bass Resource, I finally came up with a list of potential replacements (in no particular order):
Ark INVOKER Pro (Mag Hvy)
iRod Fred’s Magic Stick IRG754F
Falcon Expert (Hvy)
Dobyns Sierra (Hvy)
Shimano Expride EX173XHA (XHVY)
Okuma TCS (New Version)
ALX IKOS Thunder IC90F6
Now here’s how I’m getting out of the rabbit hole without pestering the members of Bass Resource! I’m jotting down the names of members who spoke highly of each model. For example, the Okuma has received high marks from @Glenn and @roadwarrior. Dobyns has been espoused by @dodgeguy and @northern basser. Can’t forget that @WRB raves about iRod. Once this process is complete I’m gonna put Post-Its with each rod model on my wall, blindfold myself, spin around three times, and chuck a dart. This way, no matter which rod I select, I have someone to thank if I like the rod and, conversely, someone to blame if I don’t!
Problem of new rod selection solved without starting a lengthy thread. (Well, except for this long-winded entry.) Don’t need rod recommendations but comments on the process will be gratefully accepted. Thanks for reading!