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Everything posted by GrumpyOlPhartte

  1. whitwolf and Mike L: Thank you!
  2. OK,Guys! I already said I withdraw the comment! Cut me a little slack here. We noobs are authorized to screw up. I checked my noob contract and it's right there. Sheesh! Where's a danged moderator when ya WANT him/her to close a thread? I learned a lot from this little faux pas and ain't gonna do that again. It was just a thought for an an additional forum, not any form of criticism of what's already here. My bad.
  3. J Franco: Roger that. Yeah, my nick says it all.
  4. A-Jay and Franco 3: Thanks so much for your responses and I guess I didn't make myself very clear. From my short time as a subscriber I have experienced terrific responses. Any questions were answered, and some silly conversations occurred that were, for me, entertaining and enlightening. But to give an example (paraphrased) regarding an inexpensive reel, "I fish (choose one) 10/20/30 tournaments a year and I wouldn't use it." I'm not sure how that benefits someone like me since I probably can't afford the cheapest reel in his/her arsenal. Anyway, since such things are very few and very far between, I withdraw my comment. Might be good to get rid of it and the resultant thread. But I did notice that between you there are approximately 40,000 posts. ? Might be fun to see if any noobs have an interest. By the way, I've already learned to respect and value your comments when I stumble across them. Thanks again ... but, Hey! I'm a noob! Whaddaya expect!! (Geez! I crack me up!) Franco 3? I meant J Franco. Sorry, but I type as accurately as I cast with a seven-foot rod!
  5. Hey, maybe you can start a forum titled, "For Noobs By Noobs" where we less skilled guys can share experiences, ask each other questions, and brag about our accomplishments without fear of condescending responses from guys with years of experience, 1000-hp boats big enough to have helopads on the front casting deck, and rod/reel combos that cost as much as the GNP of a small country. Personally, I just read a guy's question about a Plano 3700 tackle box that was an inspiration for future fishing trips, but am reluctant to reply because I'm not sure I won't get laughed out of that forum. Then, when we need help, we can go to the other forums to ask questions and pick the brains of the experienced guys. There is SO much information on this site that I can start reading and get overwhelmed. But I wouldn't change a thing about what you folks have accomplished so far!!!! You have made this site the premier source of bassin' info and I spend hours here trying to soak up as much as I can. Excellent job, and thank you!
  6. I still use an UglyStik medium action spinning rod for flukes and light Texas rigs. It's bad enough that you guys know it, but please, please, please don't tell the local bass!!!!!! (Fortunately they haven't noticed yet!)
  7. Lonnie G: Thank you! After sixty years it's amazing the little moments that stick with you. But on the other hand ... where the heck are my car keys? I appreciate your thoughts.
  8. Minnow: ... and a partridge in a pear tree? (Sorry! Did find your list very informative.)
  9. Darren: And thank you, Sir!
  10. Lanzbass: Thanks for the welcome!
  11. GrumpyOlPhartte


  12. Folks: You young pups have done an absolutely amazing job with this site. As I said in my somewhat windy intro, I got away from bass fishing around 1983 and back into it when I retired. Was totally overwhelmed by the new gear, new techniques, and wealth of knowledge now available. Thank you so much for helping me as I ease back into the greatest outdoor sport in the world. Regards, Art
  13. Jbw252, A-jay, and Bluebasser86: Thanks for the welcomes! Surprised you made it through my avalanche of words. I should have read more intros myself - wouldn't have gotten so carried away. Hey! I'll learn. It took me awhile to get paper-trained, too!
  14. FISHING RHINO: Ah, you poor member of the great, unwashed masses. First, we with class (albeit low class) refer to said function as an extemporaneous, gaseous, anal expulsion. Second, we don't laugh; we roll on the floor howling while we figure out how to blame it on someone else! (Man, has this thread deteriorated!) I'll be good now! MassYak85: I'll take your word for it. Having never seen a loon, I wouldn't know the difference between a native loon and an immigrant loon. Did we build a wall to keep them out? Seriously, a quick question: I also fish fish from a kayak. Poverty, space, and weight considerations caused me to get a little Old Town Trip 10 DLX which I have been modding over the past year. What are you driving?
  15. Not sure if this is appropriate here, but I always had luck with the Alberto knot but when I acquired a couple of rods with microguides it did occasionally hang up so I spent hours (and about 11,000 yards of line and leader) learning the FG knot. With a little dab of some type of Super Glue ONLY at the ends, it works marvelously. Just a thought if you are considering any braid with a leader.
  16. Hello to the members from far western Massachusetts! I'm an old retired guy (I hold the patent for dust!) who has gotten back into bass fishing after a thirty-year hiatus and wow! Have things changed ... except for those sneaky bass! Retired and have the time to really enjoy fishing so am slowly getting back into it. Acquired a kayak and have spent many relaxing hours modding it to meet my specific requirements. Then I started to acquire my tackle. Man! Has the bass-fishing world changed! Back when I was fishing, if information wasn't passed on, there was no Internet or Bass Resource. The info floodgates have opened. And all these new (to me anyway) techniques, not to mention equipment, boggle my mind. Sheesh! Talk about feeling like a complete beginner! And when I saw the prices of my beloved Shimano reels, they made my hair stand on end! But now I've started over and frankly, thanks primarily to the Internet; Bass Resource; and, to be fair, the Informative Fisherman I am off and running, er ... paddling. Glad to be a member!
  17. Not sure of the species, but some days I'd be using that fish to cull! Congrats!
  18. Scot F: To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a loon! Lots of other wading birds and I did have a guard duck escort me back and forth while I loaded my kayak for one trip! Thought I was gonna trip over it and break my neck. Learned to carry a Baggie of Cheerios to use as a distraction. But thanks for the info.
  19. RHINO: Only in polite company ... or mebbe if I ever fish for bass in France!
  20. If at first you don't succeed ... please don't try to parallel park!
  21. CavScoutA21: I would really like to hear hear what you learn! It's a long drive to Brookline from out here in the cheap seats. And it would probably be the only time I go there so I'd have to set up an EZ-Pass ... Sheesh!
  22. MASSYAK85: I concur. The environmental officer happened to mention the specific case of a loon but I imagine that any number of waterfowl could be affected and I certainly agree that the law could be clarified, maybe with some kind of "black list" identifying lure types. On the other hand I must admit I am grateful the law doesn't make some blanket statement outlawing any lure incorporating lead components. Seems to me that if they did, we'd be in deep doo-doo until lure manufacturers decided there was enough profit in making alternative products. Several are making various jig types which is a good start, I guess. I wonder how many states have similar laws. For now, I guess all we can do is eliminate the sinkers and jigs we know are illegal. By the way, my bro-in-law is an avid fly fisherman, but hasn't tied any bugs using lead. I gotta admit I admire anyone who can cast with a fly rod. I tried a few times, but it got too expensive when my "crack-the-whip" casts launched my flies into orbit, never to be seen again. If you fish for bass with a fly rod, my hat is off to you!
  23. CADMAN: Good point. I also found tin jigs at Dick's Sporting Goods here in Pittsfield. Have not done my magnet check on tin or bismuth. I didn't know there were bismuth jigs. I learn stuff every day. Wonder if I'll ever reach a point where I actually know what I'm doing! Are there laws there in Illinois regarding lead sinkers?
  24. Although I knew it was too early for much action from the banks of the local lakes here in western MA, I hit the banks of Onota Lake in mid April and bumped into an environmental officer. After he checked my license, we had a discussion about lead and tungsten sinkers and jigs which are illegal here if they are under one ounce. I had noticed that the law seems to refer strictly to jigs and sinkers. I was curious so I asked about spinnerbaits and his response was that the officers probably won't say any thing about most painted lures because they are most concerned about the wildlife ingesting sinkers. In fact, he told me he had recently found a dying loon and an autopsy with associated tests found a large quantity of sinkers in it's belly and lead levels in it's blood that were many times the lethal level. A couple of thoughts: First, I am impressed that the state takes the lead problem seriously and actually does the research to justify it's position and resultant laws. Second, I went through my terminal tackle and discovered I had missed several lead weights among my various steel and tungsten weights. Now I keep a cheap refrigerator magnet handy to check. If a weight sticks to the magnet, I use it; if it doesn't I get rid of it. Simple and effective and works with painted stuff too. I also decided to locate sellers of tungsten jigs and weights. I'm not thrilled with the cost of tungsten, but better than a citation because I'm using lead. i don't know if this helps anyone - just thought I'd pass it along.
  25. FROSTY: I never had children so missed out on an experience you may get to really enjoy - teaching a kid to fish. Heck, what a great reason to go fishing more. Slip the kid a five-spot or promise him a trip to Burger King on the way home, then tell him to inform Mom that he wants to go fishing. Your wife may even thank you. (Sorry about addressing my last comment to you, but I edited it so it's all better now.)
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