Living in western MA, I’ve found very few retailers carrying the major brands of fishing gear so I do rely on various social media “pundits” for advice/recommendations; however, I take all advice with a shaker of salt.
First, almost all reviews are of a single sample of the product. Comparisons are performed similarly - one sample of each comparable product is tested. Given the inconsistency of quality in most products, the results are ambiguous at best. The only partial solution is to locate as many reviews of a product as possible … at least that’s the best solution I’ve identified.
Second, I attempt to consider the reviewing agent’s track record / reputation. This is information that is s-l-o-w-l-y accumulated but, in my opinion, is absolutely necessary.
Finally, I take out my credit card, burn incense at the altar of the Bait Monkey, cast my fate to the winds, and hope fearfully that my chosen purchase will arrive in good shape. So far, the BM has rewarded my fealty with satisfactory results … well, with one exception; that was before I discovered the necessity of the incense.