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Everything posted by CSB

  1. I hear Senko's are pretty popular too!
  2. CSB


    Try hitting her. But seriously, just tell her you are going to (insert place here) and she should come with you. Dont ask her to go with her as though you are asking for permission. Dont send her 153276873 text and Myspace messages, either. Oh, and dont invite her to a movie because thats a terrible idea for a lot of reasons.
  3. Honey Brown. Not sure if thats a summer beer or not, but it tastes pretty good.
  4. Look the words up in a dictionary then. They're actually the opposite. They only provide analysis of historical trends which may or may not have any bearing on future trends. Of course you have. This is pretty much how it works. The market and the analysts come to an agreement (current price) as to the future value of the company. This is done by predicting future earnings. When those earnings substantially differ from the market's expectations then the stock must be repriced to be in line with the new data. Why are you acting like this is surprising? That only works for IPO's. The investment bankers are trying to get the best price that they can for their client (the company offering the shares). Analysts are different from investement bankers which leaves me confused as to why you are trying to bring investment bankers into this discussion. I suggest spending more time studying and less time trying to explain the markets on bassresource. This is a really good post.
  5. You're only a sucker if you knowingly play games that have a negative expectation!
  6. Doesnt matter to me in the least. Its fishing, not a fashion show. Its not like there are people on shore with binoculars that spend their days searching for people who wear wide brim hats.
  7. Ive only filed a claim once with Paypal and the seller ended up shipping the item after about a month of runaround. If I were you Id just do the claim ASAP.
  8. You listed eight that arent country 1. Thrice 2. Animal Collective 3. Minus The Bear 4. Cursive 5. Pedro The Lion
  9. This stuff is pretty good! For chicken I like Jack Daniels, the kind with the hint of hickory. For beef and pork Cattlemans Classic or Honey.
  10. I dont think you understand the stock market.
  11. Doesnt take guts to do that, just a lack of brains. Or the ability to fool millions of people into thinking you're being serious. They call that "leveling".
  12. Thought this was about Taylor Swift, got excited! Clicked link, watched six seconds or so, got disappointed! Post vids of Taylor Swift to redeem yourself or ban!
  13. Charles Sampson and Danell Tipton are blacker than the ace of spades and they dont act like that! Broad generalizations FTL
  14. The crew chief isnt necessarily responsible. There are very, very, very few drivers (one to be exact) who can clearly and consistently give feedback to the crew. Earnhardt Jr. is not that good of a driver and as the competition level continues to rise he will continue to spiral downward toward mediocrity. His finishes were vastly above expectation for a good portion of his career, and he has since been performing at expectation, which is mid-pack.
  15. Honestly, I just dont like watching one guy do everything. Ive always been a fan of guys like John Stockton and Steve Nash who can instinctively find open teammates and put them into position to score. I played in middle school before the rest of the kids grew taller and I didnt, and I was more focused on assists and defense than scoring points myself.
  16. I always refer to the Lakers as "Kobe Bryant" because there is nobody else on the team.
  17. Daiwa Sol and Chronarch 50MG are the best BC reels Ive used for light stuff, but I use spinning gear for light presentations in most cases these days.
  18. The question is not if the rumors are true, but how are they going to market the product without stepping out of legal bounds?
  19. Sit with your hands behind your shoulders, lift your legs straight out and put them together. Now make circles in the air with your legs for two minutes and then switch direction. Lay on your back with your arms above your head, your legs together and straight. Bring your arms and legs up at the same times and try to touch your toes. 2 minutes per set. Planks on an exercise ball for two minutes per set. One handed, one legged push ups on an exercise ball, 20 reps. That should get you in shape.
  20. BPS Stick-o's worked a lot better for me than the real deal.
  21. Although I believe the number of people who truly want to become pro anglers is much lower than the number of those who say they want to become pro anglers, I think they want to do so for the same reason someone chooses to become a pro golfer, bull rider, or bridge player. They love it. Define "rewarding". Being a trauma surgeon likely is not fun either, lots of hours, lots of stress, probably isnt easy making so many decisions that change lives daily. I guess my point is that everything is relative. Not everyone wants to be a truck driver, teacher, doctor, lawyer, or cop. That being said, being a pro angler without side income or sponsorship revenue is an unsustainable strategy in the long run.
  22. People sometimes use words that may be offensive (choosing to be offended by words is interesting in itself, but thats a whole 'nother topic). Best way to handle it is to explain to them why such words are inappropriate while they are still young and impressionable. IMO being offended by the word "Crap" is quite nitty.
  23. If the person wearing them is thin it wont be an issue otherwise size up. Better yet, dont let them buy crappy, overpriced clothing from retailers like AE!
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