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Everything posted by Tr186

  1. Another tip is to only bring bottle drinks. They can be closed and put back in the cooler. Can drinks only get kicked over and stain carpet. I also don't allow dye (spike it) in my boat. This is a quick way to get stains also. Dye markers work just fine. One last tip, don't step in the seats when you are getting up on the back deck. Enough people do that and the seats will tear. Those are just some small things that will go a long way toward getting invited back to fish for fun.
  2. I have been pouring the round ball head (shakey head) jigs in 1/8 and 1/4 for years and have really saved money. The do-it mold which cost $30 pours 4 1/8oz and 3 1/4oz at once. A box of eagle claw hooks (which I have never had any trouble with) is 7$ per hundred. The lead I get free so not counting paint I have .07 per jig. I don't really get to upset when I lose these compared to store bought @ $4 per 5 jigheads. If you enjoy making your own stuff then it is well worth it. A little expense up front but you will have the mold forever. You can always pour and sell to friends to off set your costs, then you fish for free.
  3. Do Not put epoxy in your air brush. You will ruin the tip. Epoxy is way to thick and dries to quick to get it all out. Munkin is correct, the Devcon 30 min from the paint section of Wal-Mart brushed on is what you need. It is about $1.98 for enough to do a lot of lures. Good Luck.
  4. I recently purchased a Paasche single action H set from e-bay and like it so far. I am sure it would not be a good one for experienced painters but it works for me. The total price to my door was about $42. The kit has everything you need, air hose, mixing jars and 3 different tips. The link to where I got mine is below. Hope this helps. http://cgi.ebay.com/Paasche-Single-Action-Airbrush-H-Set-External-Mix-NEW_W0QQitemZ130060839406QQihZ003QQcategoryZ28111QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. TU has recently experienced a serious situation with their upstream provider. Not sure what that means but that is what the e-mail said I got from their site mgr. They should be back up shortly.
  6. Thanks for the tip Whittler. Your crankbait looks great.
  7. What type of base coat does everyone use for painting their plastic crankbaits with an airbrush. I will be using water based paint for the color. Would a base of white acrylic work fine? Thanks.
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