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Bassin' Brad

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Everything posted by Bassin' Brad

  1. IT'S LIKE BLAH??? If I ever think a 10+ lber "is like blah" I'll break all my rods and flush all my lures down the pot.
  2. You're telling me you literally fished a bait for years that never even produced 1 fish???
  3. Last time I was at academy I was looking at their worm hooks...which are stupid cheap compared to other brands. I didn't buy any because I was skeptical. I don't want them if they bend easy or dull quickly. Anyone have experience with their worm hooks?
  4. I would just drop some subtle hints the next time y'alls out. For instance "Hey dude can I borrow some worms" "No butt face get your own tackle or go home" If he doesn't get the subtle gentle hints you may have to get more harsh.
  5. He's not the only angler that's done it. Butch Brown has caught over 1,500, but he's from California and fishes big swim baits. I know what you mean about being hard to believe. Bassmaster and other places have articles about him. He was strictly a trophy fisherman that fished up to 320 days a year for over 30 years.
  6. Very good fishing Nolan! I, like the others, enjoyed watching and listening to you fish today!
  7. AARRGH!! He missed it by 4oz......
  8. I don't know know about a Priest but here's a Judge that should get the job done.
  9. I didn't realize he had passed away. I just found out about him today. I'm going to try to find out more about him. I enjoyed reading those articles and was very impressed with his simple, detailed, yet highly effective method. thanks for the links!
  10. I just read a couple articles about Pat Cullen, a man from GA that between 1980 and 2009 caught 1,100 bass over 10 lbs. Does anyone else know much about the guy? It's really interesting because from what I read he has mostly used a black buzzbait at night in a canoe using ugly stik rods on lakes less than 200 acres. I done the math on it and it says in the article that he fishes up to 320 days per year. So let's assume on avg he spends between 200 and 300 days per year on the water. That's 6,000-9,000 times in 30 years. So on avg he caught a DD bass every 5-8 trips out. Which seems insane to me. Something else very interesting is that he has a caught most of those DD bass within 1 hour of his home in Valdosta GA, which by the way is only 93 miles from where the world record LMB was caught in Montgomery Lake GA. I know there has been a lot of speculation about that bass even being the real deal. Pat has caught 1 bass weighing over 18 lb and 6 bass weighing over 15 lb, and he believed that he was going to catch the world record and even believes he had her hooked a couple times. So that means Pat was only 4 lbs away from catching the world record. There is lots of interesting things to read in his articles. I will post a couple links. http://www.gon.com/fishing/1113-giant-bass-and-counting https://m.bassmaster.com/node/39506
  11. Nice tank!
  12. I done the same thing!!
  13. Swamp Donkeys!!!
  14. Use the search bar and see what you find. Lots of threads on BR about choosing the right scale.
  15. Very nice fish! I in no way want to come across as a jerk, but BUY A FRIGGIN' SCALE!!!! They are not that expensive and then you will know what your fish weighs!! Again, not trying to offend....✌
  16. I too, have a gopro at the bottom of a lake.
  17. Chunky 3.28 lber that smashed my kvd 1.5 square bill yesterday.
  18. Lochness monster of course.
  19. Yeah id defenitly "hold on" to the coin....by that I mean I would let tackle warehouse hold on to it for me...??
  20. Brantley lake, Carlsbad NM 5:29 AM~
  21. So I'm standing in the kitchen, and my almost 2 yr old daughter walks over to me, hands me her sippy cup and tells me she "wants drink" so I start filling up her cup out of the fridge dispenser and then she tells me, word for word, "want ice in it" ?? I was still a teenager before I stopped drinking water straight from the tap, without ice in it Lol And still don't mind room temp bottled water from time time. Any of you have stories of "kids these days"??
  22. That's so terrible....those poor people.
  23. That's a nice hawg!!
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