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Bassin' Brad

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Everything posted by Bassin' Brad

  1. Somewhere around midnight....9lbs 7oz on black and blue spinnerbait.
  2. Grave Digger
  3. That would be a true disaster!! Thanks for posting....
  4. That's terrible about your grandpa.....but I've got to ask, if my grandpa tries to pick up a football that one of his great grands left in the floor and breaks his hip does that mean football isn't a sport?‍♂️
  5. I love a reflex sight on a 10/22 I dont know what's the best for your buck though. I just know I like em. Mines a cheap one but I can throw bottles in the air and shoot them using my reflex sight.
  6. I had to turn my phone upside down to get the full appreciate if it lol
  7. Thanks!
  8. Been having a blast calling coyotes!
  9. @Tim Kelly I seen this in the news! This is why you dont use a blow torch lol!! ?
  10. Well I called the cities water dept and they came and sprayed them. The next day when I came back all seemed well at 1st. I took off the lid and I pulled out dripping honeycomb (it looked so good) and multitudes of dead bees and turned off the water. After I finished the job I went to turn the water back on and their was hundreds of bees that hadn't died swarming around the hole and they not happy with the outcome of all their hard work (not that I blame them). I had to get the water back on so I put a heavy jacket on, leather gloves and a small towel around my face and v e r r r y s l o w l y crept up and stuck my meter wrench in the hole and turned the water on. Bees were flying all around and climbing up the wrench but I didn't get stung. The End.
  11. I'm a plumber as well (water treatment really but I'm a licensed plumber) and thankfully it's not that bad here in NM. We have rattlesnakes, and lots black widows but otherwise most things dont try to kill us. I went to open a water meter lid one time and there was a beehive in it. They wasnt impressed that I wanted in it lol ? It wasnt my house so something tells me the customer wouldn't have understood if he came home to a pile of smoldering rubble.....then again maybe they would have!
  12. Anyone want to turn that valve off for me??
  13. @12:45 Ole boy was packin that shotgun like the boogie man was fixing to come out of that car that's been submerged in the water for who knows how long lol?
  14. When even mother nature and technology wants you to go fishing.
  15. I hate Walmart. Our Walmart must have 100 buggies strewn about the parking lot at any given time, and with our winds you stand a chance of coming back out to find a buggy against your vehicle. When you can actually find an employee they are not helpful and that's probably because they dont speak English. I almost never go through the standard checkout line we always use the self checkout.
  16. Very nice...?
  17. You're mom knows what's up...
  18. I'm assuming power poles are extra?
  19. Chocolate chip frappe....?
  20. Haha well considering you have caught several over 10 lbs I don't it's only the dinks you are whispering to!
  21. If the only reason to fish was the pursuit of tiny bass then that's when I would quit! ?
  22. 9 oz short of 10 lbs. The sheer power is what spiked my adrenaline through the roof and then when I got her close enough to see her huge form in the water my knees were bout to give out lol The massive mouth and belly when I got her out stands out in my mind. I smiled about it for days and would randomly pull my phone out to look at a picture of her lol just don't tell my wife. I can't wait to catch one over 10!
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