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Bassin' Brad

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Everything posted by Bassin' Brad

  1. When he logs in at about midnight tonight he's going to learn things he never knew about himself!?
  2. Thankfully my job is still considered essential service and we have stayed pretty busy. I feel for everyone who has lost their jobs during this time. You can feel the tension in the air everywhere. In stores, on the internet....
  3. Caught my 1st bass of 2020 doing some night fishing for crappie. I got tired of crappie jigging and started walking the docks throwing a 5/16 jig and connected.
  4. Walmart substituted the toilet paper in our order for paper towels earlier this week....oh well, could be a lot worse.
  5. Yeah and the stock market took a giant dump. Time to start buying. My wife and I had a cruise booked for May but we cancelled due to this. I'm not interested in being quarantined for weeks because someone on the ship has the virus.
  6. I was addicted to the hokey pokey....but I turned myself around.
  7. Are you crazy?? Don't you know that's been killing hundreds of people in China?!? No Corona for me?
  8. Yes, compared to other chickens they are hard to find. They are from Malaysia and they were introduced in the US in 2000 so they are still fairly new here. You just have to do your research to find a breeder. I was lucky, my mom in OK knew a lady who breeds them so I put an order in at the beginning of Dec and when I was down there for Christmas they hatched and I picked them up.
  9. I live in town so we don't have much wildlife right where I'm at. We do have gray fox that roam the neighborhood but the chickens are still in my shop until they are full grown. The coop I built is pretty tight so once I move them in there I don't think it will be problem but if I do start having one nose around I actually do some trapping myself. What I mostly trap right now is gophers for people but I have trapped skunks, possums, coons and coyotes when I lived in OK.
  10. Yes sir having a whole farm is definitely a big responsibility. We mostly had horses, dogs and chickens growing up. Horses are fun, but I have no interest in owning one until I have both land and money. Horses are money pits.
  11. Anyone else here have chickens? I think having chickens is fun, all the different breeds and their different personalities. Yes I know, for the most part chickens are very dumb and are only good for the meat and eggs they provide, but all the different colors, sizes, temperaments, egg color, and variations make them pretty fun to have. The 1st time buying chickens ended up being an absolute fail due to a neighbors rottweiler breaking into the coup and killing all but 1 of them. My 1st batch consisted of Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Ameraucana (Easter Egger) They were a lot of fun and were just starting to lay when the catastrophe happened. It burnt me for a few years but this last December we decided to get my daughter a few for Christmas. After some research my mom told me about a breed called Serama. They are the world's smallest chicken and are supposed to make great pets due to their friendly temperament. We got them at 1 day old and they are now 6 weeks old and doing great. My 3 year old daughter named most of them and thinks they are great. Here is a couple pics of the Seramas at 1 day old. They are super tiny. The bottom two pics are from yesterday. They are 6 weeks old. Their names from left to right are: Daddy, Pistol, Percy, and Fluffy
  12. Very very sorry for your loss. So devastating and sad.
  13. I'm thinking that would get you on the no fly list....no more trips to Baccarac!
  14. Is there a story to go with this??
  15. I like my Gerber Strongarm. I have fought and killed several alligators with it. The trick is flipping them over so you stab their unprotected chest/belly. Now bears are a little trickier but still manageable with this knife. Actually the most I've done with this knife is hack some wood and open a can of soup (we forgot the opener)
  16. That's so awesome. Moms are the best
  17. I know we all see "how things are today" with people all around us who are rude and don't seem to care. I live in a town of 45,000 -60,000 people where rude, inconsiderate, and distracted drivers are the norm (although nothing like that time I visited D.C.) I have had several things lately that let me know that there's still people out there that want to help. 6 months or so back I was driving one of our company trucks and it broke down while I was sitting in an intersection. This is a heavy 1 ton dually and I knew that I was up the creek. After I got out and started trying to push it people started jumping out of their vehicles to help me. Two or three guys and a young woman helped me get it off the road. 2 weeks ago my wife and I was in Walmart shopping when I realized that for the 1st time in the 5 years I've owned my truck I locked my keys inside. She stayed inside and shopped while I went outside and peered through the glass at my keys, when I guy walks by me and tells me that he has stuff out in his semi truck that will unlock it. So he stays and helps me until we unlock it and he refused to let me pay him instead telling me to pass it on. Well this morning I see a guy stopped in an intersection. His truck dies while he was trying to make a right hand turn. I pull into a parking lot and go over to help. He says he don't think we can push it ourselves when another guy parks and walks over and together we push it down the road into a parking lot. Good to know there is still people who are ready to lend a hand. I want to be one of those people.
  18. Wow that is so amazing! I had no idea they could get that big....
  19. I never thought about emailing them....but I have text them to myself to resize them lots of times?
  20. Thanks y'all! Yeah it was definitely a thrill!!
  21. I'm in Kentucky right now for my brothers wedding and I went pond hopping yesterday morning. I had almost made a full loop around the pond and had caught 10 bass when I cast my 1/4 oz Bayou Bugs Finesse Jig with a 3" Rage Tail Craw out and as soon as the jig hit bottom something smoked it and started ripping drag like I had never experienced! I was really hoping for DD bass, but the longer I fought it the more I figured it wasn't a bass. The beast fought forever and continued to rip drag and was stout as an ox, it never did give up, but I was finally able to land it. A 16 lb catfish. I have never caught a cat that big and was stoked to have caught my PB on a bass jig!
  22. What I've read before is that our hands and feet wrinkle like that to provide extra traction and grip for back when we didn't have shoes and gloves and people would spend lots of time in the water.....but who knows??
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