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Bassin' Brad

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Everything posted by Bassin' Brad

  1. This thread is slowing dying without us ever knowing what became of Stephens I phone 7+.......
  2. So when I was a kid I liked to fish but didn't know squat about different techniques or methods and all that. Mostly just threw rooster tails, little spinners and the like. I was at bass pro one day when I seen an advertisement for wobble heads. They looked cool so I bought some along with a package of worms the right length. The neighbors pond I tried it out on produced good results, catching me fish bigger than I was used to. It quickly became one of my favorites. Those wobble heads are long gone now and I don't really hear much about them. I mostly hear about shaky heads, which look quite a bit different than what I used. So my question are: 1. Are shaky heads the equivalent to wobble heads? 2. Do any of yall use wobble heads? 3. If you do use them what's your thoughts on them and how do you like to use them? These are what the wobble heads I used look like.
  3. Okay I Googled Sluggo bass lure and now I know what it is but somebody needs to tell me how to fish it!!
  4. Okay I'm going to say it.....wait, what is that??
  5. I don't guess I've ever seen a lake frozen over. Ponds, yes. Creeks, yes. But a whole lake?!? I may have to travel up north some day to witness this rare and amazing spectacle called a "frozen lake" lol. For reals though that must be sad. Although with were I live now I have to travel to get to a lake. So what's worse, no lake or frozen lake?!?
  6. Thanks for the info! I may end up switching more of my reels to braid.
  7. So I spooled one of my heavier rods the other day with 50# power pro braid for frogs, jigs and bigger Texas rigged worms. (A lot of you guys have been saying you like braid for a variety of things.) I haven't fished with it yet but I think I'm going to like it. I've been pitching it in the yard quite a bit. But I've heard some guys say that braid can eat through the eyes of your pole, is that a real problem I should worry about?? Also I didn't put a different type of line for a backing or put tape on the reel before I spooled it, is it very likely that it will slip?? If it is will putting tape the reel before spooling keep that from happening or should I put a different type of line for a backing?? Brad
  8. Man its good to hear back from you, I think everyone has been worried you were laying at the bottom of the lake with your iPhone.....
  9. Man I wish I could have an evening that exciting! But I think I think I'll leave the ER visits with you.....
  10. Don't want to talk about how many I've caught this year! But I haven't been very many times unfortunately.....
  11. Looks like a lot of fun!
  12. I do think it's harder to tell the bite on a rocking boat with waves and the wind trying to blow your line as opposed to a calm day where you can see and feel anything that happens.
  13. I'm not a pro or anything but I do like to throw a senko and I fished a pond last Saturday and was throwing a 5" senko with a 1/8th oz bullet weight and the ones I did catch you knew it when they hit, but like you said I just gave it to them for a sec then set the hook. But I've had days with a senko where it was very subtle hits so I think some times it just depends on the fish and what mood they are in. And If I haven't fished in awhile it seems like I miss the 1st few before I get the hang of it again.
  14. Bassin' Brad

    Bassin' Brad

  15. Okay I will try and check it out! Thanks for the heads up!
  16. Hello all, I'm Brad from Hobbs NM. 21 yr old male, married with a 4 month old little girl. Grew up in OK pond fishing but really got the bass bug after I moved to NM and went fishing with my boss in Texas on his bass boat. Something happened on that trip and I've been hooked every since. Don't get to fish all that much around here as there isn't a lot of options. Enjoy fishing in OK and TX. Hoping to get my own boat next year. My favorite bite is on a plastic or a top water lure. Probably catch most of my bass on a weighted Texas rigged senko.
  17. Yes. You can download the app for free but to get all the goodies you have to either purchase a subscription or you can try a free 7 day trial.
  18. My walmart had a clearance the other day and I picked up multiple sizes and colors of Yumbrella rigs for $2.50 and $3.00 a piece. I could see where they had been regularly marked at $5, $8 and $12 depending on size. Also picked up KVD cranks in 2.0 and 2.5 for $3
  19. You can download Onxhuntmaps on your phone or computer and for $30 a year you can find out if land is public, or private and who owns the private land and it shows boundary lines. It uses a satellite map like Google maps but it shows you land info. I use it all the time when I go out coyote, dove, quail, rabbit, or deer hunting here in NM. Gives me that piece of mind that what I'm doing is legal.
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