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Bassin' Brad

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Everything posted by Bassin' Brad

  1. You ever been to the west side of the Texas panhandle? Or south east NM? Man the dove hunting is awesome! You come down here I'll take you dove hunting then after that you can introduce me to Toledo Bend....
  2. Lots of good things on here. I really like it when I'm working a T-rigged plastic and my line starts to run. Seeing your line start moving through the water is just awesome. And of course nobody can deny topwater action!
  3. It's Lowe's for me, just can't handle all the orange smocks at HD lol. Nah both have their good and bad. But I find myself at Lowe's more often.
  4. Like the saying goes, "a bad day fishing beats a good day working"
  5. People with no respect to others or to the water and land around the water on which they fish. And wind, but that's just nature making sure we have a challenge.
  6. Thanks guys, that's what I figured. I actually had 1st hand experience with this awhile back. I was out with a buddy in his boat on a lake with dirty water and I had caught several fish on a spinnerbait with 1 gold Colorado blade and 1 silver Colorado blade. I ended up losing the spinnerbait (the only one I had with those blades) so I switched to a spinnerbait with the same color scheme but silver willow blades and didn't get another bite. I am interested in trying this your method though in water with better visibility.
  7. Great read! So is the reason you don't mention Colorado blades and only willow leaf blades because they work better when you are burning them or is it because you are burning them in clear water and Colorado blades work better in stained/dirty water or do you not like them at all?
  8. I've got a couple buddies that love their Redfield scopes.
  9. Sorry I've been keeping it from you guys but it turns out I'm the one that invented it. All credit goes to me.
  10. Thankfully I have never gotten any of that stuff. And I spent a lot of time in the woods of Oklahoma as a kid. But I had a cousin that took an emergency bathroom stop in the woods and grabbed some poison ivy to clean up with lol. I'm sure it's not really funny but since it was my cuz I can laugh.....
  11. Time to fill the freezer with crappie. Sounds like the crappie are overpopulated and now it's time to do your part in fish management.
  12. I agree with the beetle spin 100%. Another thing I really recommend is the stump jumper from Bass Pro. They cost .69 a piece and they catch bass crappie and bluegill. I caught a 14" bass just the other day with one.
  13. At least once huh?? Good luck watching more than that a day!
  14. Yeah yeah I'm not saying it's a conspiracy I'm just messin around.....I thought it was funny though
  15. You need to find someone in your area that can show you the ropes. 1 or 2 trips out with someone that knows what they are doing and getting hands on teaching will help a whole lot. Not saying you can't learn otherwise but if you are completely new to this sport that will really help. Glen has posted a lot of videos here on this site that will be of great value.
  16. When I got done reading this post I scrolled to the top and there was the suicide duck advertisement. Coincidence??? I think not....
  17. Visiting my family last week and borrowed their canoe to fish a small lake and couldn't find the paddles so a shovel got the nod. Worked pretty good.
  18. I fished a lake last week right in that area and they were in post-spawn. They were hitting on T-rigged senkos white and chartreuse spinnerbaits with Colorado blades, swim senkos and my buddy was throwing a craw or beaver style black and blue flake plastic with good success. We found a lot of our fish on grass and wood in 2'-4' of water. Anyways hopes that helps. Good luck to ya.
  19. Just watched it and I don't think I could of laid there without moving my hand! They would have had to tie my arm down because I probably would of been thrashing around.....OUCH!! I admire people that can take pain like that.
  20. On the positive side you seriously made someone's day. Someone said "I found a plano box with $100 worth of spinner and buzz baits, it's my lucky day!" For reals though I feel for ya.
  21. Get your line wet. Fish something small 1st to see if there is any bass present. Beetle spin, curly tailed grub or 4" wacky rigged senko should tell you.
  22. Last summer. Walking around a pond that had only ONE small tree by it and I wasn't paying attention since all the rest of the pond was clear and then suddenly whammo I found myself staring at a awful backlash that just sneered at me and dared me to attempt to get it out. It won.
  23. I was trying to sweep my rod.....but I was waiting till the fish was submerged. I'm going to try setting the hook sooner.
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