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Bassin' Brad

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Everything posted by Bassin' Brad

  1. This is the most confusing thread I've ever clicked on.
  2. Jerry is legit!
  3. Where you are fishing at. Examples: Wood in 4 fow. Rip rap. Docks in 20 fow. Etc etc Wind is also a big factor. Here's an idea. After you build a ton of scenarios have 25 of the top chosen bassresource members play through all the scenarios and then base the answers off a percentage of all their answers combined. That would be really neat.
  4. You should look into Turo. It's like Airbnb, except with cars. People that have an extra vehicle will register it with Turo and people can rent it. I've rented cars 2 times in my life, once from Turo and once from a commercial car rental agency and Turo was much smoother. You can actually pick the exact car you want to rent, look at pics, reviews, etc. People have their own fleets of cars on Turo now. Just like someone might own lots of Airbnb rentals.
  5. That's very common in the desert of New Mexico (and probably other places). You basically have 3 options when you live in a dry, arid, windy desert. 1. Put in an irrigation system or hand water like crazy 2. Have a nasty dirt yard that blows dirt and sand all over the place. 3. Put down rocks
  6. I've done 3-4 hours for an overnight trip several times.
  7. Pics or it didn't happen!! Hahaha!
  8. Oh man that would be awesome
  9. And another one bites the dust
  10. One of these skunks dug under our chicken pen and killed a hen. I set a live trap and a couple leg holds and the leg holds scored back to back.
  11. I've owned Milwaukee and they are solid.
  12. Thanks for sharing!
  13. I love it. Keep it coming.
  14. Catching gophers on the side is quick money.
  15. I guess since I grew up in Oklahoma I thought everyone knew about this stuff! You should try the spicy version, it's awesome!
  16. Me and my wife went to the doctor so I could get checked out. Afterwards, the doc wanted to speak with my wife in private. Here's the deal said the doc, your husband has a very peculiar sickness that is getting worse by the day. My wife became frantic and begged the doctor to tell her what could be done to save me. Well the doctor said, only one thing will work at this point. You have to treat him like a king. Cook all his favorite meals everyday, never complain in front of him and don't nag him at all about household chores or honey-do list. You must encourage him to do all his favorite hobbies, the more fishing and hunting he does the better. After he gets home late after fishing or hanging out with his buddies give him a back rub and anything else he wants, whether you have a headache or not. If you do all this your husband will live. She then thanked him and she came back to the waiting room. What did the doc say? I asked. He said you're going to die she replied.
  17. WCO (Wildlife Control Officer) or an ADC (animal damage control) agent would be a little more accurate!? I think little bugs is beneath a man like @TnRiver46
  18. Found this the other day while visiting family in Oklahoma. I was crazy pumped when I found it. This might sound crazy but it was about like catching a 4-5 lb bass.
  19. A New Mexico sunrise.
  20. I smoked 2 1/2 lbs of all beef bologna. It was awesome. After this pic I actually put it back in the smoker and turned the heat up to blacked the edges a little more.
  21. Just this year lake O.H. Ivie in TX produced some big bass. One bass was almost a "giant" bass. It weighed 16.4 lbs.
  22. Man, I'm only 25 and ya'll older gents are giving me a bad case of second hand nostalgia, and I ain't even kidding. Ya'll are making me feel like I was there.
  23. I love buzzbait bass! Threw my black Cavitron buzzbait beside a big log running from the bank way out into the water and about halfway down she sucked it under.
  24. Pic I took over the weekend outside my house.
  25. Nope. Never tried it. All my grandparents smoked most of their lives, and none of them are still alive. I believe my oldest grandparent was 69 when he passed, all the rest was even younger than that.
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