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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. Hey Bass Resource community! I got a question for ya. I am in the process of launching my own little ... i don't even know what you wanna call it too be honest haha. But I am currently looking into jig making. I would like to buy my molds from Do-it, but ran into a few questions about hooks and what not. My jigs will quality jigs with quality materials, equipped with a nice, heavy duty hook. I am not interested at all in using the Mustad hook that Do-It suggests for the mold. Q: Will I be able to use Owner 5317 hooks with the Do-It Weedless Brush Jig Mold? If not out of the box, what kinds of modifications would one have to do to the mold.
  2. Hey there everyone! I currently live in a smaller town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and I am interested in joining a bass fishing club / group type thing. The thought crossed my mind to create my own in my area, however working a full time job, twelve days on and two off, that idea was shot down quickly as I got a taste of reality haha. So I decided to reach out to Bass Resource to maybe help me locate a group / club. What I am looking for in a group / club: ✓ Great member base (Down to earth, kind, fun, easy to get along with) ✓ Member involvement (Members are engaged in the group / club) ✓ Social Media Presence (Communication, expansion, and presence on social media / the internet) ✓ Serious about the art of fishing (Has a passion for fishing, and respects everything fishing represents) What I can offer: ✓ Graphic design services (Logos, banners, headers; just about anything you can put an image on ) ✓ Knowledge of the industry (Brands, marketing, etc) ✓ Social media management ✓ Website creation / management I am very enthusiastic about the sport of fishing. I want nothing more than to share my passion with others who wish the same. I am looking for a great bunch of guys / gals who I can interact with and have a good time. I appreciate any replies!! Tight lines and full live wells everyone!! If you wish to contact me, please get ahold of me on Facebook, or shoot me and email: Facebook : www.facebook.com/MindofKurt Email : KurtParis@Live.com
  3. Hello, my name is Kurt Paris, I am an 19 year old from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, yes, I am a Yooper, and yes, we do have electricity in the U.P. But all jokes aside, I categorize myself as a graphic design hobbyist, and fishing enthusiast. I enjoy assisting small businesses and individuals with a very price effective way to obtain slick, clean, and professional looking graphics. I am also an outdoor fanatic, where I spend most of my time fishing, hiking, and just enjoying the wonderful place I am honored to call home. Fishing for me dates back years, back to my middle school days when my mom wouldn't let me go fishing alone, and she would come, pitch a chair, and watch me smoke them on a popper. I have always had a special love for fishing, but it wasn't until early 2015 that I decided I wanted it to be more than just a hobby. After befriending a few local tournament anglers, and joining the fishing community on social media, it took very little persuasion for me to want to do it. With the launch of 2017, I will put my goal of fishing professionally into action. Meeting new people, trying new things, and promoting myself as an avid angler as much as possible. I have intentions to create a YouTube channel dedicated to only fishing content, currently run a Twitter where I interact with my followers on a daily basis, and am building my Facebook profile to help me network with others who share the same passion I have for fishing. Through out the year of 2017, I hope to establish a great network of contacts, increase my marketing skills, and work with a few businesses. Being the 19 year old young adult that I am, I strive for success, and I understand that in order to accomplish that level of success, hard work and dedication are required. Time to tie some knots, and get those lines in the water.
  4. I have always been a beef jerky kind of guy, especially when it comes to fishing, it makes an excellent snack.
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