I totally agree... having no knowledge of the internet forums until later in life, I never knew that old warts were $$$$$.
Having bought with my own money when I was13-15 yo, and using them like reg. lures, I read a thread on that "other" forum about what prices they were fetching I think around2017-18. WOW
I went through and selected ones I haven't used in years, researched for hours, and sold them for a "fair price" at the time. (fair to me was astonishing since I paid less than $2 and sold most for $50-60) I did have one of the most sought after ( I don't remember exactly now since It was a while ago, but I think it was color 65, I might be wrong)
Mine had a slight blemish so I priced it at $65, it sold instantly and later was IM'ed that I probably could have got $90 for it. It didn't matter to me, I was happy with what I got for it, I wish the best of luck to who bought it! But Yes, old Wiggle Warts are a cult following.
I only sold 6 and purchased the equivalent of 25 other lurers, I call that a win to me.