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Everything posted by Marty-WI

  1. Thank you. Another source!! Ha, not exactly what I was thinking, but worth a look. Didn't know they had physical stores in WI.
  2. Sorry, but personally don't know what you mean by Ollie's. If you could help a brother out, it would help me feed the monkey.
  3. New addition to my team of modest bait casting rods/reels. Added to the jerkbait lineup. Initial feel of Shimano Expride B 6'10" Medium is pretty amazing. I can see why it's highly suggested. Paired with Shimano Curado DC. Long time before able to use, but pretty pumped. Expect the rod to be a performer. Hopefully the reel will be too. Kudos to Tackle Warehouse for super quick delivery. Ordered rod Tuesday and got Thursday.
  4. New to the TW sales. I put a rod in the cart and it didn't show 20% off. It had the icon for 20% at the top. It took 20 off on the lures, but not the rod. I deleted the lures and went to purchase just the rod to see if the discount would show in the final billing. It still didn't when I hit proceed to check out. It also added $15 for shipping. Thought there was free shipping on rods or items over 'x' amount. I just saw same price for this rod on another site with free shipping. Little confused. Want the rod on the discount, but don't want to pay $15 more to ship. Maybe I found my own way to tame the monkey. Disregard everything above....got the discount and no shipping charged. I don't read well when sneaking in orders on work time.
  5. A similar sale happened last year on ice fishing and left over summer stuff. I visited several Walmarts in SE Wisconsin and was told by a manager that each store is different. From inventory to what goes on sale to even the markdown. I asked for a price match on an exact item not on sale at Walmart #2 and they wouldn’t honor it. Perhaps different in your area but sharing what I learned. Mini sale on some stuff now and the same thing happened. Take it for what it’s worth, but can pay off to visit a couple stores if not out of your way. Of course, don’t ask, don’t get, so I keep trying.
  6. How much of a savings?
  7. Here are the pictures of the rod and tube I purchased. This is all new territory for me so I make no claims to quality. It’s a cheaper alternative and very compact for the money. It gives me the travel mobility I wanted, now hoping for it to be fun and effective. 90% of my rods are 1 piece so the thought of a 3-piece rod is foreign to me. The tube is 31” and it’s White River from Cabela’s. The rod fits perfectly inside the tube. Unfortunately the reel has to be removed every time but I have a neoprene cover to protect whatever I use. I will leave in the vehicle the majority of the time. I have a Kast King Zephyr or a Shimano to pair it with.
  8. So appropriate for my situation.. I broke down a few older reels last winter (‘23). A few Abu 5500’s and 2 Daiwa BG 15’s. All backup reels so not a huge concern. Thought I’d be smart and followed some threads about cleaninng and maintenance of reels. One Diawa the bearing came apart. Not sure how but here I sit not knowing how to fix. Missing a washer on one of my Abu’s. Couldn t find a place that has the correct parts. YouTube has saved me literally a few thousand dollars fixing my older vehicles and I’m not a mechanic, but I can’t fix a $100 reel. Maybe I need to call DVT.
  9. I purchased this Kastking Kestrel BFS Casting Rod from this retailer. Saw review on YouTube from another source, not this retailer. They suggest don’t buy the featherlight. Prone to tip breaks. Have not used, but surprisingly not a bad rod and very nice fit and finish. I think this will be nice for its intended purpose. There were other sizes too, but this link only shows the one size. They had more at the time. Suggest looking for the other sizes to fit your needs. https://www.fishusa.com/KastKing-Kestrel-Elite-Finesse-Casting-Rod/ Forgot to add that I found a perfect 3-piece rod case at Cabela’s that held the rod exactly. Not sure if Plano rod case. Online doesn’t show what I bought. Not at home to double check, but can later. It’s just a tube case so you have to remove the reel.
  10. Flyer has been mailed.
  11. Hmm. Got busy with work. After reading responses I just checked my emails and still nothing from TW with a newsletter and the discount. I have the Friday email confirming I joined. No biggie. Stuff may be backordered by the time I get this figured out. 🙂 At least I found a way to conquer the Bait Monkey.
  12. I will try again, but at 8am central it didn't. Thank you.
  13. Sorry, but little confused. What's next? I signed up prior to 1/21. Was I supposed to get another email indicating the sale with a code or was it supposed to automatically happen at the checkout per my login? I put together an order and not only did it not indicate a 20% savings on anything, but ETA on free shipping was 4/15/24. I understand not everything was likely 20% off, but in a $200 order, nothing was. Must be order error on my part. Only other question was the ETA date. Hard water here in WI so wouldn't need until May anyway, but that's a long way out.
  14. What lure is pictured?
  15. My large collection is a result of living in a state that allows 3 lines per angler, has a warm water fishery, a Great Lake, a hardwater season all with multiple techniques I enjoy and having kids that love to fish. My salmon trolling gear was purchased knowing I’d be supplying the entire gear on those specific trips. Almost the same when trolling or slip bobber fishing for walleyes or panfish. I need matching gear for those outings. Was recently in Florida and decided to buy a slow pitch jigging rod to try for lake trout jigging. Now that I discovered this site and that I really like our bass fishery, I’ve added 12 baitcaster combos to the arsenal.
  16. Cleaning up some old Abu 5500-C3’s and other older spinning reels. Need some new bearings and drag washers. Where do you all buy from?
  17. Sorry for the newbie questions. I cut my teeth in Wisconsin chasing panfish, walleyes and northerns with live bait so used to dirty rods. I'm late to the bass game, but loving it. I've grown my Dobyn's collection quite a bit and I'm becoming more intrigued by this procedure. Is this really only effective on new cork or can old cork be cleaned and applied? How often do you do it? Thanks!
  18. Outstanding guys. Simple fix that I wouldn’t have tried. To think I was about to return to Cabelas. Much appreciated.
  19. Thought I had debris in the way the first time I tried closing the cover. Put the reel down for the day in frustration. Tried a couple days later with a little more patience and still can’t get the latch to slide to closed position. What am I doing wrong? This shouldn’t be that complicated.
  20. I also just picked up the exact same reel in that gear ratio. I paired with the new Mojo Bass in a 7' MH. I had a 6'8" Med XF Mojo from Cabelas w/tags still on as I waited to make up my mind. All I saw on this new rod was 'new and improved' so I bought it not knowing the improvements. I think it's much lighter than the 6'8". Although I haven't used yet, I'm excited for the combo.
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