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Everything posted by eastkybass

  1. I am a life member have been since 99.
  2. I use my left put it is my dominant arm so it just come natural. I have started to practice with my right because some times I have seen places where it would work better.
  3. Brazil after a monster peacock then anywhere along the coast for redfish. I would also like to go back to Dale Hollow after a big smallmouth I missed out on mine when I went a few years ago. Got skunked that trip sure would like another shot at it. >
  4. In my opinion it is the person who can produce the best the body of water has to offer anywhere you drop them. It is to different to go and fish for a limit than fish for that one big fish. You may have all day to work on that one big one once you find it but in a tournament you are going ot have to try to put together what you can on a shorter amount of time. I am sure the pros would love to try and catch one over 20 lbs but they have to gear themself to what they need to do and those 15-18 inch 2-3 lbs are easier to find than one say 20-22 and 14-15 lbs.
  5. Well looking for a new personal best 5+ lbs. I have been stuck on 4 for to long. It is so sad
  6. I stand out in the parkinglot at work in the morning waiting on the car to warm up. I find oil spots or other things around and pitch to them. : It helps that I work at night and no one else is there at the same time I am. ;D
  7. I like IKE and Clunn is great but KVD almost come back even with the DQ and all the pros say that there is nothing worse than to look up at the leader board and see KVD after you. 2 Classics and 3 AOY show alot about how consistent he has been over the years.
  8. I think it will just keep getting bigger and bigger as long as it is kept in check there is no reason the weekend angler and the hardcore pro can't keep it going and make it better for all.
  9. TEmp being cold would be relative to where you are located. For Northern lakes 55 is relative warm. But in Fl 55 is fairly cold when temps can get up into the 80's even the 90's. A fish up North wouldn't think much about temps getting into the 50s but think how they act when the water drops down into the 30's and 40's. It's like someone living in Miami send them to Boston in the summer and they can handle it but send them in Dec after a good snow and watch how they act about the cold. It is all relative to your location and what you have become used to.
  10. Thanks when it warms up I will let you know.
  11. A few years ago I was going to try for a non boater in a BASS event and one of the rules was that you couldn't use a net. I would like to know the reason for it though?
  12. My least fav is probally drop shotting. I haven't used it much and just not very confident in it.
  13. Hello jsut wanted to introduce my self. My cousin(cigarlover) was telling me about this site and thought I would check it out. Looks great and hope to learn alot and maybe give a couple of answers some time.
  14. New here but thought this was a good place to start postin. 1. KVD has to be the most intense person I have ever seen got DQ'd and still almost won AOY 2. IKE very passionate and that means alot. Even though he can be anoying he still shows he loves the sport and if you haven't done it you should read his book. Gives alot of insight
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