With the flukes you don't have to let them fall all the way to the bottom before you start working them this way. What you are doing is imitating a baitfish that is injured. Most predatory fish will go after the easy meal instead of chasing a healthy one. give it a try around some sumerged cover it is a great way to catch them.
If when you get there it is still fairly dark I would go with the bigger bait then switch to the smaller one if they are hitting good but not taking the bait in. I like a larger profile bait in low light conditions. It gives the fish more to see. Also it the water is muddy you might want to go with the larger bait.
My wife and I went with a guide a few weeks ago. I have been fishing most of my life but my wife is fairly new at it. He told her if it felt different to set the hook. That is the best way to learn after a few times you will start to tell the difference in it.
First welcome to the site.
Second I will use the same thing for about 15 mins if I am trying something new before I will change anything. If I am sure that a particular bait should work then I will change color and see if anything happens. If not I will change baits completly. Ask the local bait shops what is working they will give you alot of help. Once you start catching a few it will get alot better. I have had those days on the water all day and one keeper to show for it the big thing is to just get out there and fish. Experience is the one thing that can change it for you. Good luck.
I just got a 14' vhull last week and I was wanting to put a casting deck on it. What I was wondering was if I could just lay the plywood over the front seat and the small one it has right in the front then mount it to this or if I would have to take them out? I figured that leaving them in and mounting the boards to them would give alittle more support but I wasn't sure? And if I can what type of screws should I use to attach the boards down.
I fish alot of the time by myself. It can be very enjoyable. I try not to worry about the talking to my equipment as long as it doesn't start answering me.
All I have to say is brag away. It may have been on live bait but you still had to fight it and get it out of the water.
Live bait or fake the IGFA wouldn't care so I don't see why it should matter.
Welcome to the site both of you. Jerk Bait great work on getting your brother out on the lake and fishing. It will be a great way for you all to spend some time together.
I fish this lake on the way home that is filled with lily pads. I know there are fish there but I can't get them to bite. I tried frogs, buzzbaits, and spinnerbaits. I can't get even a hit. Any suggestions would be great. I am stuck on the bank but it is a pretty small lake only about 100 acres.
That sounds like great weather but like it has already been said anytime you can be out there is a good time. Only thing I try to avoid is the lightning, don't want to end up like this.
I love fishing at night, especially in the middle of summer. Less boats cooler air temps and so much more peaceful out there. Just remember that black is the key for baits at night. I love to fish a big 10" worm at night in black. Either work it on bottom or swim it like a snake you will have a great time if you give it a try.
It is a matter of personal preference. I have fished both ways but I seem to fish in a more slowed down and work an area over trying get every fish in that area to hit.
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