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Harold Scoggins

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Everything posted by Harold Scoggins

  1. I know I should throw it, but some of these JDM colors are hard to come by.
  2. *Sigh* The day I saw our Sears closing, I knew it was the beginning of the end for retail. We have both a DSG and AS and I'm wondering who will be first. My kids hardly ever shop the stores anymore and buy everything online, even their food. I'm just as bad, I can't remember the last time I bought any fishing gear in a store, it's just so much easier to buy online.
  3. I love the Gantarel Jr. I hope they come out with a Red Ear pattern.
  4. I use a 3600.
  5. Congrats and welcome to the PawPaw club!
  6. Cockpit of my BG2. Yes, she's slow, but at my age I'm in no hurry.
  7. Got back from some night fishing and getting ready for a nap. I'll leave the weekend to the crowds. Good luck and be safe.
  8. Yuki Ito provided all the evidence I needed the day he compared lure design to a katana. (Japanese sword) "Form follows function..."
  9. Wow...you just saved me shipping on a JDM order I was preparing! I'll let you explain my Hookup order to my wife. LOL
  10. Didn't save my post before quoting yours...Oooops.
  11. In the footsteps of Lawrence...taken 25 years ago outside of Aqaba, Jordan. Oooops
  12. White Python?
  13. Although this is a long thread and I ended up reading it 4-5 times already, I hope the discussion on deep fishing continues. I think the polls would lean towards the shallow anglers for the very reason Roadwarrior mentioned earlier, more anglers are in their comfort zone when hunting hawgs in shallow water. I remember a time when I felt intimidated fishing deep, but with help from a couple of experienced old timers, I forced myself to go deep. I failed really bad at first, (lost a lot of jigs and cranks) but once I mastered topo maps and sonar and targeted those areas mentioned earlier (deep structure adjacent to points, etc) my luck changed. During the summer of '06, I landed 262 LMB between 5-8 lbs in 15'+ water. (McGee Creek Lake and Broken Bow Lake in SE Oklahoma for those who want to experience deep water) Although landing those big ones along the shore is fun, there is nothing more satisfying than pulling them up from the deep. I've really enjoyed reading this thread and I hope it continues.
  14. This color has been very good me. (you can't go wrong with a lure with reddish orange on the belly or chin) I wish American retailers would carry more JDM colors like this.
  15. My son (middle) in front of the Infantry Museum, Ft. Benning. He is now a police officer.
  16. Jack learned a new word, "Hydrodynamics."
  17. Light Study
  18. Take a Mann's 9" Blackberry Jelly Worm, a 4/0 or 5/0 EWG hook and call me in the morning.
  19. You can explain the missing bath rug later...
  20. Wall art.
  21. "Form follows function, form follows emotion." - Yuki Ito
  22. Balsa Max 80
  23. Photo by Rob Choi.
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