I thank you for your reply. His complaint with the Glock 40 is the recoil and he would prefer a 9mm. He was talking to me yesterday about the S&W MP 9mm 2.0 and told me that some of the other officers are carrying them. He had the opportunity to fire one at a range this past week and he really liked it. I'm not sure if he knows what a "grip angle" is but I am going to copy your reply and msg him tonight. He qualified with a 9mm at the academy and he received a high score, so the 9mm would probably make more sense. I fully understand the "desirable" and going along with the crowd thing. That being said, reliability is an issue for me and I hope it is for my son too. I spent over 20 years in combat arms on every continent but two, and I know the sick feeling a soldier gets in his stomach when he doubts the reliability of his weapon. (First version of the M16 and poor ammo) I don't expect him to ever have to crawl through the mud, but should he ever have to retrieve his sidearm from the mud, I want his weapon to be able to perform without having to take time to clean it first...like I mentioned earlier, he is my only son.
You appear to be very knowledgeable when it comes to service weapons, so I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain as decides upon his choice.