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Harold Scoggins

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Everything posted by Harold Scoggins

  1. I thank you for your reply. His complaint with the Glock 40 is the recoil and he would prefer a 9mm. He was talking to me yesterday about the S&W MP 9mm 2.0 and told me that some of the other officers are carrying them. He had the opportunity to fire one at a range this past week and he really liked it. I'm not sure if he knows what a "grip angle" is but I am going to copy your reply and msg him tonight. He qualified with a 9mm at the academy and he received a high score, so the 9mm would probably make more sense. I fully understand the "desirable" and going along with the crowd thing. That being said, reliability is an issue for me and I hope it is for my son too. I spent over 20 years in combat arms on every continent but two, and I know the sick feeling a soldier gets in his stomach when he doubts the reliability of his weapon. (First version of the M16 and poor ammo) I don't expect him to ever have to crawl through the mud, but should he ever have to retrieve his sidearm from the mud, I want his weapon to be able to perform without having to take time to clean it first...like I mentioned earlier, he is my only son. You appear to be very knowledgeable when it comes to service weapons, so I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain as decides upon his choice.
  2. Our son is a new police officer and doesn't like the Glock 40 he was issued. He is allowed to carry his own pistol and wants a 9mm. I want to buy him a pistol as an early Xmas present, but I have not touched a gun since retiring from the Army. (close to 25 years now) He is my only son and I want him to carry a pistol that will not fail him should he ever has to use it, God forbid. I just saw a reliability test on the S&W MP 2.0 on YouTube and it was impressive. Do you think it would be a good choice? Your input would be greatly appreciated.
  3. MS American Shad is a favorite deep bait. (I think I have to empty the box and check for rust.)
  4. S-Cranks hands down. They are worth the coin.
  5. It has rained all day here in SW OK and now we're under a flash flood warning. I stayed home and played with fishing lures.
  6. Fishing Lure Festival, Nagoya, Japan. JDM Heaven!
  7. Army issued tackle box. I did 1 yr as a shotgun rider (door gunner) on a UH-1 and this was in the flight bag I drew from supply. I still have it.
  8. I miss my friend, Joey. Rest in peace, Joey Roper.
  9. You wore them out!
  10. I use to use the RAM arm, but I'm using the Railblaza now and really like it. Lowers and raises quick and easy.
  11. "Mushin"...and if that doesn't work, try a 9" blackberry Jelly Worm.
  12. Chart Tiger
  13. Ah ho Da kee pigh yee yah! (Kiowa- Thank you for this sunset.)
  14. I have a few cranks that I drilled holes into to add lead so that they would work the bottom like this. These don't look half bad for $10, may have to give them a try.
  15. Jigs, 9 or 12 inch jelly worms, and my all time favorite, a skirted Boss Hub pegged against the Hoo Daddy Sr.
  16. I made a 12V rear nav light that's powered via a control box (mounted on my crate) and plugged into a SAE connector in the tank well. Wire runs up inside to a power supply box (24 amh) that I made this past winter. The control box also powers the rear camera. It's really nice to be able to reach behind me and turn the light off when not needed.
  17. Megabass Z-Crank X (Silent) Length 2.7" Wt 1/2oz Depth 4'
  18. Welcome Kev-mo...Illinois born and raised!
  19. My late father's whistle from WWII now hangs on my PFD. Do you carry your whistle when paddling?
  20. I feel better on a long haul using a bed extender.
  21. U.S. Marines preparing to march in the 28th annual Samurai Parade in Kuga City, Japan, November 19, 2017.
  22. That looks like a nice place! My wife will retire in a year, I think I might make this a possible choice for a vacation.
  23. "Ante arcum in reliquiis sanctis!"
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