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Harold Scoggins

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Everything posted by Harold Scoggins

  1. My favorite Pop Max is one signed by the man himself, Yuki Ito, at a tackle show I went to a few years back in Japan. My best producer is the Gill Female.
  2. They come in clam packs...
  3. I want one of those rigs, but I can't find it in the states. He has had his for 3-4 years and fishes out of it all over Korea. I borrowed one the last time I was over there and they are nice. I wish I could have one shipped, but for the price of shipping I could buy a fleet.
  4. I never paid any attention to their baits either. A friend in Korea told me I should give these a try and I'm glad he did. I got one pack of the Bloody Pumpkin and tried them on 1/2oz jigs, as soon as I got back home I bought all but 3 packs from TW. I'm going to T-rig these things too with a skirted Boss Hub pegged against the hook.
  5. Molix 4" Creature.
  6. The only stuff I allow to touch my paint...
  7. "Jig fishing requires the bass angler to use patience and total concentration, focusing one's attention on their sense of touch. (feel) All other external stimuli should be blocked. When you can achieve this, then you have achieved Mushin." - Sensei
  8. I clocked hundreds of miles in the LAV-25 over in the Middle East. Great reconnaissance vehicle. Call Sign: Coyote 43
  9. Imagine if you will, it is pre-spawn and you tie on your favorite glide bait because the bass are feeding just beyond the drop-off...
  10. This is a first for me, never saw a tail like this end of September. Tell me this thing isn't trying to spawn this time of year. Been out of the loop for awhile, hope you all are enjoying the water.
  11. Those days are long gone my friend. Now you need a laptop to tune. It's been many years and a few grey hairs since I lifted an engine, but I'd like to give a shot again before I report to the last roll call. I've got free access to a shop and lifts, I just need someone who knows what the heck they're doing to assist. I know I can tear down and rebuild an engine, I'd just need help with the software and tuning. Check out what these guys did with this 6.2, skip to 12:27 if you don't want to watch the build.
  12. Both!
  13. FAKE NEWS!! My Chevy App says I had 2 hard accelerations this week, this is totally fake news! Smokin a couple of F150s should not count towards my driving activity! FAKE NEWS!
  14. I need to get a Stetson as I hear they like men in cowboy hats too.
  15. False alarm folks. I'm fine, just been out on the streets all day intimidating F150s.
  16. I'm a grandfather, again. Her name is Aurora. Born end of May.
  17. Between the Covid, couple of school chums passing on, and my older brother having a heart attack, (took a couple of stints, he's back fishing already) I was feeling down in the dumps past month and a half. Trips to the wildlife refuge wasn't having any affect in lifting my spirits either. Then, two weeks ago, I looked at my wife and said, "You can't take it with you when you go." I walked out the house, drove into town, and a couple of hours later I was driving home in 2020 Chevy Silverado RST Texas Edition 4WD. Although black paint is high maintenance, I feel 30 years younger driving down the road. Now, if I could just find out where these young kids are cruising their trucks. Coyote 43 (my last call sign) Oscar Mike! (on mission)
  18. New Co-Pilot Knife for the PFD, (replaces my old Pilot knife) couple of Black Label CB2 balsa cranks, 400 Black Orange Crustation BW skirt tabs. (they are back in stock)
  19. Take a moment this weekend to teach your children about the meaning of Memorial Day
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