"Down for the count," what we use to say when a fellow soldier was defeated in the sand pit. Dial the number for Gene Larew Lures today and you will be greeted with, "Pradco Outdoors." This past November, in preparation for Black Friday, I inventoried the soft plastics I used or given to friends during the year so I could reorder and replace my stock. When it came to my favorite creature, the 6" Hoo Daddy, I found that retailers were not restocking them. That is when I found out that Pradco had acquired Gene Larew. I started calling every retailer I could find to inquire about my "go to" colors, Black Neon and Blackberry Sapphire. No luck. You can still find the 4.5", but when it comes to that coveted 6" bait, forget it. I called an individual yesterday who has connections with Larew, and was told that Pradco's main interest in this acquisition was the Bobby Garland line of lures, and that many of the Larew baits were going to go away. Is this really true? I'll be going into 2020 with 21 packs of Blackberry Sapphire and 24 of Black Neon. I figure without giving any away, that will last me 4 to 5 years, maybe 6. After that, I had better found another creature that will land me the hawgs like the Hoo Daddy has. Oh well, it was a good run. (Sigh)