It's on a Falcon Cara Finesse Jig rod, I had 15 pound Red Label on it, and it was just about any lure. I was mostly throwing texas rigged baby brush hogs with a 1/4oz tungsten weight. I'm starting to think it was overspooled for the reel. There was about 1/4 to 1/8th of the spool unfilled. I use KVD line and lure and never have trouble with red label as long as I use the L&L.
Thanks for the tips, but I've done all of those things, and even with 3-4 break turned on, and the dial turned up to 6 and the spool tension knob, it was still backlashing constantly. When casting, most of the backlash starts at the beginning of the cast instead of the end. I'm starting to think it was overspooled, or maybe a bad batch of Seaguar Red Label?
Not a chance, the reel will be buried with me, or given to one of my non existent children who don't put me in a home when I'm old and senile. lol But that's a nice offer, both great reels!
I wasn't' using an arbor knot to tie my line on, I was using one of the sticky pieces of tape that come with the reel to hold the line on. They say to not tie the line through the holes in the spool for some reason. Something about how the reel is designed. I will go out tomorrow and give it another shot with everyone's suggestions, thank you!
Also do you know what DVT charges for that service if there's nothing that needs to be fixed? Maybe I used too much bantam oil or reel grease when lubing the reel. Just used a minimal amount whenever I clean them.
Random question, where is the bantam oil supposed to go on the MGL? It said that I needed to put a drop of oil or two somewhere in the reel every 5 or so outings I believe to keep the noise down on the reel? My Japanese isn't the best, so I just placed a drop in all of the bearings I could find. Is it in the bearing underneath the spool tension knob?