I have a mixed idea on them, I love um but dont think they are for everyone. If you fish hard and take tackle seriously then they would suit you, but dont think they will catch for you. Become better with cheaper versions before you buy alot of these, that was my mistake. There are alot of baits out here including, Excailber, Rapala, Mann's, Strike King and Bomber that make great baits. I have found my Rick Clunn's, Sammies, BDS's and Pointer's to be very good, and in IMO worth the money. The Natural makes a good point, if you are gonna spend the money on something like a 24 pack or food, then why not use it to buy something useful? Over the past few years I have fished just about every Deeep Diver, and found that the DT's are the best, so theres a bait for under 7 bucks that can outfish a LC. I believe LC has put some serious time into their products, look at their pro-staff, they would help any lure company out with ideas they want to see in lures. LC's are tuned and come with some of the best hardware found on any lure, and I have yet to buy one that has run wild out of the box. My point is stick with what you like but dont overlook the fact that the bait doesn't make the fisherman. 8-)
My 2 cents, Corey