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  1. Any opinions on the ~$550 tandem kayaks by Lifetime that are sold all over the place? They look like the least expensive way to get started, but I don't know anything about the company or quality. My daughter and I have been bank fishing, but it's hit or miss when you only have access to a few cleared spots. I'm thinking we should try something else.
  2. That's a lot of work when you do everything by hand. Even if you have power tools, shaping the body is only one aspect of the job. In my case, I have a small lathe and benchtop CNC mill, but it's still time consuming to set everything up and do the work. I have other interests that take up most of my spare time, so I have to approach things like this cautiously. I was thinking today about an easier way to make a small lure, maybe cutting a hollow aluminum tube to about 1.5" long with a slant on each end, then filling it with a balsa rod. That would eliminate a lot of the shaping time, and I don't think fish really care all that much if it's perfect. Also, painting aluminum is simple if you start with an etching primer. Maybe I'll give this a try, just to see if it's "fish approved."
  3. Thanks for all the good advice. Just to clarify, I'm not using ultralight tackle (reel/rod). I don't see why that would have much effect on casting distance though. I'll give the 4# line a go and see how it does. The only reason I didn't try it sooner is my concern for what happens when that 12-pounder bites.
  4. I've been experimenting lately with small flatfish lures that weight about 1/32 oz. They're not easy to cast with a spinning reel, and there are times I'd like to add 5-10 yards to the reach. Will this improve if I change from 8lb to 4lb mono, or is that likely to be a waste of time?
  5. No, those are Heddons. They've caught my interest because of the shape. Most lures are shaped in a way that needs a mold (or a heck of a lot of patience) to duplicate. The torpedos are just modified cylinders, much easier to make by machining inexpensive stock.
  6. Is anyone here making lures like the Heddons below? I was just thinking how easy it is to make a body like this from plastic rod or hardwood dowels. The back end could be turned on a lathe, and the mouth could be milled to almost any shape quickly.
  7. I've got a good number of bucktail jigs with heads that have lost some or all of their paint. Is there an easy way to prep these and repaint ("easy" is the key word here)? I'm not interested in powder coat or anything industrial like that, was thinking about scrubbing with a toothbrush (water, naphtha, mineral spirits?) and then re-shooting a coat of enamel with a rattle can. I could dot the eyes with a small brush. Is this practical, or just a waste of time? It's obviously not worth doing if the paint comes off again after two or three casts.
  8. So why is it that when I Google reviews of the President, I read complaints about the foot breaking off? That's another reason I decided not to buy a Chinese reel for my re-entrance into freshwater fishing.
  9. The pressure on brick-and-mortar retailers also comes from tax codes that penalize retailers for inventory that doesn't move out quickly enough. More and more, they don't stock the items needed to complete a project properly, or to even start a project that isn't a mainstream activity. This forces customers to shop online for specialty items, and that encourages shopping online for the more popular items as well. Speaking from personal experience, I get really tired of driving all over town for some little hardware item that was common and easy to find just ten years ago. Now, even if I'm not concerned about price, I'd rather order it online and not worry about wasting my time and gas hunting it down.
  10. Well, I called Amazon and told customer service what happened, and that there would be no problem in returning the extra rod. I also said that I'd be interested in keeping it if they would offer a discount. I thought that would save everyone involved some time and trouble. After twenty minutes on the phone (put on hold, transferred to different people, etc.), I was told they couldn't work a discount. However, the Amazon rep said - get this - they would like to handle the situation by issuing a gift card to me in the original amount of purchase, and that I should return both rods to them, then purchase another one using the gift card. I told her I'm not going to do that (I already waited a week and a half for this rod), but I'll re-pack and use their Website process to have UPS pick-up the extra rod. She thought that would be OK. Bunch of idiots.
  11. The Veritas 2.0 rod that I bought for $50 at Amazon came in today. Imagine my disappointment when I opened the inner shipping tube and discovered they sent me a 4-piece instead of a 2-piece. Wait, no one makes a 4-piece. Oh, I see, my order got mixed up and Amazon sent a couple junk rods meant for someone else. Are they even for spinning? Well, yes they are. Are they ABU Garcia? Right again. So what rods are they? Why, they're a pair of Veritas 2.0 7' M/F. Wow. I should have ordered a car. (Yes, I have to send one back. It doesn't really belong to me.)
  12. Thanks much, appreciate all the comments. I'll pass on these.
  13. Has anyone tried any of the ultra-cheap lures being sold on eBay? I'm talking about the ones selling at ridiculous prices like 30 lures for $14. Are the hooks made from paper clips? Are they painted with water color? Seriously, are they worth fishing with? http://www.ebay.com/itm/311447848638?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  14. I was at Academy this evening for something else, so I stopped at Fishing and found the Veritas 2.0 rods. They had the same one in stock that I just ordered, except theirs is a one-piece, priced at $100. Yep, it's much stiffer than I expected for a medium. Probably should have bought the ML. Abu rates this for 6-12 lb line, but I think 8 lb would be a more realistic lower limit. I was hoping this could serve dual purpose in a pinch (crappie and bass), but that's not likely. Guess I'll need to look around the used market for something lighter with faster action, maybe put a second kit together. No problem, the Veritas will work fine for haulin' out some 10 lb bass.
  15. The Veritas 2.0 rods are $50-60 on Amazon.
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