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Everything posted by XpressJeff

  1. OK gentlemen, I was cleaning up and re-organizing for the upcoming season and my new boat when I realized that now I have moved to NC after living the last 15 years in Wisconsin. Guess I"ll put away the 80# braid! The problem is that I still have a whole LOT of $ in Musky gear! Seriously now, I realize that the 12 inch crankbaits/glide baits and enormous spinner baits are too much but I have time nice spinners (essentially a MEPPS #55 hairy straight line spinner) by Al Bucher are great. I am being fecicious, but I thought this might bring about a few laughs. I really do have a bunch of money tied up, probably just box 'em up! P.S. I love the big ass Crappie down here too.
  2. I have not had any experience with the newer Tracker boats but I have had an older riveted boat that I was not crazy about. Last month I bought a new leftover 2015 H17 Xpress for more than 2k cheaper than a Tracker. I've only got 10 hrs on it to break in the motor so far but I would probably have paid the 2k anyway. I love it!
  3. USMC - June 1972 through December 1995 0311 0331 0351 6112 6113 6115 6119 Master Sergeant of Marines (Retarded) Semper Fi
  4. Do both... Sig 220 is .45 Sig 229 is 9mms Both great weapons that use the same holsters! If a 1911 fits your hand better that is a also available in both calibers! Find a GOOD firearms shop, or a nut like me that has both and try them out. Just please be responsible and get some training! HAVE A GREAT DAY!
  5. Why do you only fill the thermos halfway in a kayak Dave? Is it harder to pee in a kayak? That would be a serious consideration since I am of the age of "Old man's bladder syndrome".
  6. I am a Brewers can so my expectations must be kept in check!
  7. I have been too frugal (cheap) to spring for anything that says YET I on it. Are their products worth it? BTW, black is the only way to drink it. I do not contaminate good coffee!
  8. After 23 years in the Marines I have an addiction that cannot be covered by a thermos. My wife is the same so I am asking if anyone has any ideas that will work. There are worse addictions to have!
  9. Congratulations on the new wife!
  10. Bought a nice, compact boarding ladder from Cabelas for $59.99. A small price to pay for being able to get back in. Between replaced knees, bad back and other worn out parts the only thing that still works the same is my cantankerous attitude. Be careful folks!
  11. Thank you slonezp. That seems pretty cheesy as that's what the maintenance schedule is based on. I've been in aircraft maintenance my entire life and I'm surprised! I will contact the dealer.
  12. Please help an FNG find out how I will identify operating hours? Bought a new boat last week (Xpress H17) and was planning to break in the motor on the first reasonable weather day. I have what I believe to be a pretty standard controls setup. Speedometer, Tachometer and Fuel gauge on the console. I do not see a digital indicator near the throttle or under the motor cowl. Do I need to install all a separate meter or is one in place that I am unaware of? This is my first "real" boat so please ignore my ignorance. Thanks in advance!
  13. Sorry, will do shortly! WX has been scrappy here! Going Wednesday to break in the motor on High Rock lake. After moving here from Wisconsin I still can't believe I am going out on " soft" water in January! How cool!
  14. Express H17/Humminbird Helix 7 CHIRP DI S2/Yamaha F70/Backtack aluminum trailer and a whole l o t of extra a (required) goodies. Life is good!?
  15. Tim, that's an interesting thought that I had not considered. Thanks
  16. Thank you folks! I am only 61 next month but for the 23 I was in the Corps I was "10 feet tall and bulletproof". I am paying for it every day now. both knees replaced (left one twice), 2 bad disks in the lower back and neuropathy (sp) in the feet. Yes aging is not for wimps, however; the good Lord has something for me to do that he has filled me in on yet so I am planning to make the most of my time. I am glad to hear about other's issues and how you deal with them. I will wear a self-inflating vest, and wear it more than I ever have in the past. My new boat will be the most stable I've ever owned too! Be careful and enjoy the days you have left!
  17. XpressJeff


  18. Just moved back to NC after becoming officially Retarded. Was in the USMC for 23+ years, worked as a contractor for 160th SOAR aircraft development until the system wore me out, quit and moved back for good. Bought my first real fishing boat (New leftover 2015 Xpress H17 with a Yamaha F70 4 stroke) that I pick up on Wednesday. Not much but it's mine. Blessed with a wife that l likes to fish too. Great area for retirement!
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