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Everything posted by XpressJeff

  1. I would also consider some automotive body shops. Good fiberglass repair can be found in quality restoration shops. Good Luck and congratulations on helping your daughters phobia. Leaving the plug out on purpose was a masterful and generous ploy for her!?
  2. Welcome to Boat Monkey! Hurry up and decide so you can move along to Bait Monkey!! Good Luck on your decision!
  3. Oh yeah, the first time you go go all the way around on the bike you will make sounds that you would not think could come from a human being! it's worth it though!
  4. I have a 5'6" Shakespeare pistol grip med action with a Shimano Bantam on it. It's a blast!!!
  5. I just got my first Dobyns, VERY happy with it!
  6. The easiest and most economical (long run) is to get it sandblasted and then use a product called POR-15. Use the cleaner and then the top coat. WEAR GLOVES!
  7. Thank you for the motivation!
  8. Rest in Peace, your watch is over! He was part of America's Greatest Generation!
  9. No sir it is not!!! Bigger holes to fill the 2nd time! Mind you that while I am a large man (6'2" and close to 300#) I am also quite active. I was only 225# when I retired from the military it is rough on the joints. If you are active take care to ensure good posture lifting weight. Avoid impact sports and DO NOT kneel! Being a Retired Marine I have been told I would be too stupid to lay down when I died, maybe so but I cannot just sit around. I guess the Pont I am trying to make is "Work Smarter, Not Harder" Keep your weight down and don't get in a hurry. God Bless young man!
  10. Partial left 2010 Full right 2014 Revision left 2016 , -that sucked! Be diligent with your PT and push yourself through the pain. It will pay off, trust me!
  11. New boat owner here planning some multi-day trips to Dale Hollow and a few others this season. When I get there and have fished for the day I am sure my less than stellar boat control will have the TM battery(s) screaming to be plugged in for a few hours! How do some of you deal with this situation? I am sure some hotel/motels have accommodation for this but how many? I have not made any reservations yet, but soon! Generator in truck? Pls share some ideas.
  12. Has the changes in equipment effected this? I have been away from fishing for a while and I will say that rods and lines are nothing like they were 20 years ago. This has definitely led to different techniques.
  13. Dobyns DX704C and a Team Lews LS reel. Probably more than I will ever spend, but a nice daydream!
  14. Thanks Prey, good read. What timing cause that's th r way the 832 went on my Stradik!
  15. I was out today and my boat control is abysmal! Not only am I fighting with learning control but now I have probably separated a coupling ribs when the dang cord broke trying to deploy the thing and I went flying back like a shot. The landing on the port gunnel/rod locker was so graceful that a bass jumped up with a sign reading 9.3! I guess I have to work on my landing! Ordered a new handle with stainless cable already.
  16. Forgive my acronym ignorance. IPT Just a dumb airhead here!
  17. That's a pretty girl! Thanks for sharing the images and your generosity.
  18. Are you able to run a swimsuit that fast that a 7.3 is necessary? Maybe I just ought to re-think things!
  19. it's kinda like when you were younger and bought a pickup truck or a trailer, everybody wants to borrow your trailer or help them move! Like Nancy Reagan said, "Just say NO"! Good luck and enjoy the days you have!
  20. Thanks folks, The Optima is one I just happened to have on hand. Sounds like I'm better off getting another lead acid deep cycle and I can make that happen. It is safe to extend service day right? Or does the second battery need to be an EXACT match to the first? Its a 17 foot Xpress tin boat. Can probably get a bigger 24V system next year. Practice I will! I know you are right A-Jay, but its hard not to fish when I have been ready all winter!
  21. Folks, I have been able to finally get my first real boat with a foot controlled Minn Kota Edge 45. I have always had a transom mounted hand control TM previously. The real problem is that the only thing I do well is CRASH! I have not yet developed the ability to control direction and speed without either finding a dock or a log to run into while catching trees or boat canvas with my Spinner bait at the same time. It's quite a sight I bet! I am forcing myself into small spaces and spend time doing drills to develop control. I have mounted my control pedal neat the bow but at a slight angle and I now see others are mounted on centerline and all the way forward. I 'll remedy that. The question is, "About how long does it take to become proficient"? It's embarrassing and could be expensive. The second part of my question is regarding battery power. I have a single lead acid battery now and I would like to add a Red Top Optima battery to extend my daily fishing time. I waste allot of power by getting out of control right now. Is it problematic to battery types? Series,or Parallel?
  22. Remember that and get her a 5# this year! Congrats!
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